Mimer SQL Data Provider
Interpreting trace output
Mimer SQL Data Provider > Overview > Trace > Interpreting trace output

File and console output

The following is an example of the trace output in a file or console:

Mimer.Data.Client.Trace Verbose: 0 : [AppName] [1] MimerConnection.Open()

Database output

The same trace saved using the database listener looks like:

Id OccurredAt ProcessId ThreadId ConnectionId ApplicationName TraceCounter TraceCategory Message ExtendedInfo
1 2021-08-03 12:17:54.68509878 5636 1 1 AppName 0 ActivityTrace MimerConnection.Open()

The table, called DataProviderTraces, has the current layout:

Column name Data Type Information
Id Bigint Unique, increasing primary key value.
OccurredAt Timestamp Point in time when the trace record was written.
ProcessId Integer Operating system process id.
ThreadId Integer Operating system thread id within a process.
ConnectionId Integer A unique integer for a specific Process/Thread representing an ADO.NET connection.
ApplicationName Nvarchar(128) Name of the application, if specified in connection string.
TraceCounter Integer Trace counter for a specified Process/Thread.
TraceCategory Varchar(32) The trace category of the trace message.
Message Nvarchar(512) The actual trace message with information about method/property etc.
ExtendedInfo NCLOB(1M) Contains stack trace when TraceCategory is Error. Contains the corresponding objects for Categories SqlStatement and SqlParameter value.

 If you connect to the database containing the trace table (login with the same credentials as specified in the trace configuration file or the user that created the table). You can search with SQL to find the desired information.