Mimer SQL on Windows
Mimer SQL on Windows > The SQL Monitor Utility
The SQL Monitor Utility

The SQL monitor program provides functionality for monitoring SQL statement usage on a Mimer SQL database server. The tool can be used to locate expensive SQL statements, or to understand which application is using what resources in the database server.

The output from SQL monitor is presented in a window, which provides Notepad-style functionality. You can select which statistics to display, by choosing the appropriate item from the view menu. It is also possible to select Refresh from the view menu to clear the window and output a new set of statistics.

To access the information about the indexes it is necessary to login in to the Mimer SQL server. The output may be different for different users depending on what they are allowed to see in the server.

Counter View Description
Table operations overview The number of operations that have read, inserted, updated or deleted a row in a table when running the given SQL statement.
Note that when a secondary index is used there is one operation to retrieve the data from the index table and one operation from the actual base table. When index lookup only is used by the SQL optimizer the base table is not accessed.
Prepare count overview The number of times the given SQL statement has been prepared for execution. This is the number of times the SQL statement has been sent to the server to compile. If a statement has been compiled previously the server will reuse that compilation.
Execute count overview The number of times the given SQL statement has been executed. Each select statement will increase this counter once per result set.
Server requests overview The number of requests to the server that have been sent in order to run the given SQL statement.
Transaction record count overview The transaction overhead caused by running the given SQL statement. The count is the number of rows written to the read and write set during transaction build-up. Note that read-only transaction do not need to write any rows as the system automatically provides a consistent view of the database.
Elapsed time overview The amount of time (in seconds) the given SQL statement has spent on the server. Elapsed time is only aggregated if the server has the "timing" setting set to "on". This setting is off by default, but running SQLMONITOR will turn it on.
SQL ID overview A serial number that the server appoints an SQL statement when it is first compiled on the server. The ID will remain until the server closes the statement when it is removed from the server's cache of compiled statements.
Multiple seemingly identical SQL statements can appear with different SQL IDs, if they are run by different users on different tables, as they do not represent the same server action.
SQL Statement detail A serial number that the server appoints an SQL statement when it is first compiled on the server. The ID will remain until the server closes the statement when it is removed from the server's cache of compiled statements.
The actual SQL statement that has been run. You can only see SQL statements run by your user unless you are SYSADM.