Return Codes

Mimer SQL returns two kinds of return codes to an application, SQLSTATE and a native error code (aka. SQLCODE). The SQLSTATE variable returns a standardized, general error code, which gives a rough description of the status for the most recently executed SQL statement.

GET DIAGNOSTICS can be called to access the exception information stored in the diagnostics area that applies to the most recently executed SQL statement, see Run-time Errors.

The symbol <%> in the text of error messages listed in this chapter indicates the location of an identifier inserted at run-time

SQLSTATE Return Codes

SQLSTATE contains a 5-character long return code string that indicates the status of an SQL statement. These return codes are standardized following the established standards. Observe that not all standardized SQLSTATE return codes are used by Mimer SQL.

SQLSTATE values consists of two fields. The class field, which is the first two characters of the string, and the subclass field, which is the terminating three characters of the string.

List of SQLSTATE Values






Successful completion






- disconnect error



- null value eliminated in set function



- string data, right truncation



- insufficient item descriptor areas



- privilege not revoked



- privilege not granted



- implicit zero-bit padding



- some statement(s) not altered**



- row has been updated**



- row has been deleted**



- error in row



- option value changed



- cancel treated as close



- attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset



- fractional truncation



No data



Dynamic SQL error



- using clause does not match dynamic parameter specifications



- using clause does not match target specifications



- cursor specification cannot be executed



- using clause required for dynamic parameters



- prepared statement is not a cursor specification



- restricted data type attribute violation



- using clause required for result fields



- invalid descriptor count



- invalid descriptor index






Connection exception



- client unable to establish connection



- connection name in use



- connection does not exist



- server rejected the connection



- connection failure



- communication link failure



Triggered action exception



Feature not supported



Invalid transaction initiation



Resignal when handler not active



Prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution



Cardinality violation



- insert value list does not match column list



- degree of derived table does not match column list



Data exception



- string data, right truncation



- null value, no indicator parameter



- numeric value out of range



- error in assignment



- invalid interval format



- invalid datetime format



- datetime field overflow



- substring error



- division by zero



- interval field overflow



- invalid character value for cast



- invalid escape character



- invalid parameter value



- unterminated C string



- invalid escape sequence



- string data, length mismatch



- trim error



- noncharacter in UCS string



Integrity constraint violation



Invalid cursor state



Invalid transaction state



- transaction is rolled back



Invalid SQL statement name



Triggered data change violation



Invalid authorization specification



Invalid connection name



SQL routine exception



- prohibited SQL-statement attempted



- function executed no return statement



Invalid SQL descriptor name



Invalid cursor name



Invalid condition number



Syntax error or access violation



Ambiguous cursor name



- transaction rollback



- serialization failure



Syntax error or access rule violation



- base table or view already exists



- base table or view not found



- index already exists



- column already exists



- column not found






Unhandled user-defined exception



General error   



- memory allocation error



- invalid application buffer type



- invalid SQL data type



- associated statement is not prepared



- operation canceled



- invalid use of null pointer



- function sequence error



- attribute cannot be set now



- invalid transaction operation code



- memory management error



- limit on the number of handles exceeded



- no cursor name available



- cannot modify an implementation row descriptor



- invalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor handle



- server declined cancel request   SQLCancel



- non-character and non-binary data sent in pieces



- attempt to concatenate a null value



- inconsistent descriptor information



- invalid attribute value



- invalid string or buffer length



- invalid descriptor field identifier



- invalid attribute/option identifier



- invalid parameter number



- function type out of range



- invalid information type



- column type out of range



- scope type out of range



- nullable type out of range



- uniqueness option type out of range



- accuracy option type out of range



- table type out of range



- invalid retrieval code



- invalid precision or scale value



- invalid parameter type



- fetch type out of range



- row value out of range



- concurrency option out of range



- invalid cursor position



- invalid driver completion



- invalid bookmark value



- optional feature not implemented



- timeout expired



- connection timeout expired



ODBC specific return codes



- driver does not support this function



- dialog failed



ODBC 2.0 codes *



- base table or view already exists *



- base table not found *



- index already exists *



- index not found *



- column already exists *



- column not found *



General error



- memory allocation failure



- invalid column number



- program type out of range



- SQL data type out of range



- operation canceled



- invalid argument value



- function sequence error



- invalid transaction operation code specified



- invalid string or buffer length



- descriptor type out of range



- option type out of range



- invalid parameter number



- function type out of range



- information type out of range



- column type out of range



- scope type out of range



- nullable type out of range



- uniqueness option out of range



- accuracy option type out of range



- table type out of range



- direction option out of range



- fetch type out of range



- row value out of range



- concurrency option out of range



- invalid cursor position



- driver not capable



- timeout expired

* Return code will only be returned to ODBC applications executing in ODBC 2.0 mode.

‘** Mimer SQL specific SQLSTATE code.

Native Mimer SQL Return Codes

Here the native Mimer SQL return codes are listed together with the associated text message. See Run-time Errors for details on how to retrieve this information after an exception has been raised.

Sometimes the deprecated term SQLCODE is used when referring to the native return code.

The codes are grouped according to function as follows:

Code numbers

Functional group

> 0

Warnings and Messages

= 0



No data

-100 to -999

ODBC Errors and Warnings

-10000 to -10999

Data-dependent Errors

-11000 to -11999

Limits Exceeded

-12000 to -12999

SQL Statement Errors

-14000 to -14999

Program-dependent Errors

-16000 to -16999

Databank and Table Errors

-18000 to -18999

Miscellaneous Errors

-19000 to -19999

Internal Errors

-21000 to -21999

Communication Errors

-22000 to -22999

JDBC Errors

-23000 to -23999

Mimload Errors

-24000 to -24999

Mimer SQL C API Return Codes

Corrective action is given in general terms for each group of codes. When reporting errors to Mimer support, make sure you include the native Mimer SQL return code.

Warnings and Messages

No corrective action is normally required for internal Mimer SQL return code values greater than zero.




Null values eliminated in set function


Character string was truncated


Insufficient item descriptor areas


Privilege not revoked


Privilege not granted


Zero bits were added to the binary string


Login failure


Soft enter performed


No cursor state was saved on stack


Message text not found


Row not found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE, or the result of a query is an empty table


No data - Item number is greater than the value of count


It was not possible to alter all executable statements


The row has been updated by an update where current statement for this cursor


The row has been deleted by a delete where current statement for this cursor

ODBC Errors and Warnings

These errors occur when ODBC calls to Mimer SQL fail for some reason.




Illegal sequence


Out of memory


Option out of range


Function not supported


Connection not open


Connection in use


Invalid argument value


Invalid transaction operation code


Internal network buffer overflow


Invalid C data type


Invalid SQL data type


Bad address


Function already active


Operation canceled


Wrong number of parameters


Use ODBC function SQLEndTran (or SQLTransact for ODBC 2 applications) to commit or rollback transaction


Statement is not in a prepared state


Invalid transaction state


Unknown statement type


Server data type not supported by client


Unknown data type


Invalid buffer length


String data truncated


Numeric data truncated


Numeric value out of range


Invalid numeric value


Bad parameter passed to numeric package


Invalid column number


Database name mandatory


Connect dialog failed


Data truncated


Invalid connection string attribute


Invalid cursor state


Invalid parameter number


Descriptor type out of range


Invalid type passed to DICOA3


Function type out of range


Invalid cursor name


Duplicate cursor name


Cursor hash table corrupt


ODBC database control block chain corrupt


Option type out of range


Option value not supported


Option not supported


Invalid row or keyset size


Invalid concurrency option


Invalid fetch type


Not a scrollable cursor


Row position out of range


Only one SQLPutData for fixed length parameter


SQLPutData does not support block cursors


Driver not capable


Table type out of range


Invalid string length


Data type out of range


Syntax error found in escape clause


DDO buffer overflow


Uniqueness option type out of range


Accuracy option type out of range


Column type out of range


Scope type out of range


Nullable type out of range


Internal type mismatch


Conversion between data types not supported


Invalid date, time, or timestamp


Restricted data type attribute violation


Date, time, or timestamp data truncated


Database has not been configured. Run Configure Mimer 7.1


Translated native SQL string was truncated


ODBC extension DATE, TIME or TIMESTAMP is not supported


ODBC extension OUTER JOIN is not supported


ODBC extension for procedure invocation is not supported


Unrecognized first word in escape clause, expected 'CALL','FN','OJ','D','T' or 'TS'


This server version does not support the used scalar function


Unrecognized scalar function found in escape clause


Argument missing in scalar function


Too many arguments in scalar function


Syntax error, incomplete escape clause


Syntax error, unmatched apostrophe in string literal


Syntax error, unmatched quote in delimited identifier


Invalid data type specified in scalar function CONVERT


Information type out of range


Parameter type may only be used with procedures


Parameter type out of range


Update and delete where current fully supported (not simulated)


Option value changed


Static scrollable cursor used instead of keyset or dynamic cursor


Error in row, please check next error code


Cancel treated as FreeStatement/CLOSE


Attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset


Invalid cursor position


Unknown first parameter in scalar function TIMESTAMPADD


Unknown first parameter in scalar function TIMESTAMPDIFF


Bad parameter passed to datetime package


Out of critical section objects


Invalid attribute option identifier


Attribute cannot be set now


General error


Invalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor


Invalid descriptor field identifier


Invalid descriptor index


Associated statement not prepared


Interval second fraction truncated


Interval truncation error


Interval convert error


Year to month interval cannot be converted to a numeric value because it is not a single field


Interval cannot be converted to a numeric value because it is not a single field


Invalid interval literal


Interval leading field truncation error


Interval trailing field truncated


Binary data truncated


Binary truncation error


Binary length invalid


Binary data invalid


Binary not supported


Inconsistent descriptor information


Cannot modify IRD


Invalid use of null pointer


Character data not hexadecimal


Internal error


Significant parts of datetime/interval string truncated


Interval field truncation


String data truncated


Binary data truncated


String data truncated


Binary data truncated


Internal error - Must put blob separately


Unicode string data conversion error


LOB data larger than specified in SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(x)


Distributed transaction mode is active, but no transaction enlist has been performed. May be due to early transaction abort or illegal sequence of calls in application.


Wide character data types not supported by server


SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(n) only allowed for long data types


Maximum escape clause nesting depth reached


The character string '%' could not be casted to an %


An SQL % interval cannot be casted to a %


A non-fractional part of a TIME or a TIMESTAMP was truncated


The % character string '%' could not be casted to an %


Failed to read dictionary


Error loading library XOLEHLP.DLL or locating entry point to DtcGetTransactionManager in XOLEHLP


Pending transaction, commit or rollback before exit


Unable to retrieve MSDTC transaction object (IID_IDtcToXaHelperSinglePipe)


Invalid transaction number, must be between 1 and <%>


Unable to retrieve MSDTC resource manager cookie


Server version and BSQL version must be the same when using READLOG


Unable to translate MSDTC transaction id to an XA transaction id (XID)


Unable to perform distributed transaction enlist


Invalid sequence of calls within ODBC to MSDTC interface routines


Error initiating transaction object

Data-dependent Errors

These errors arise when an SQL statement cannot be executed correctly because of the data content of variables, expressions, and so on in the statement. The appropriate corrective action is determined by the nature of the error and the specific context in the application program.




Transaction aborted due to conflict with other transaction


Transaction aborted due to conflict with in-doubt transaction. Do not retry transaction until in-doubt state resolved.


Transaction aborted due to a preceding problem with databanks or resources


Current transaction has been invalidated by a conflicting system administration statement


PRIMARY KEY constraint violated, attempt to insert null value in table <%>, column <%>


PRIMARY KEY constraint violated, attempt to insert duplicate key in table <%>


Domain constraint <%> violated for table <%>, column <%>


Table constraint <%> violated for table <%>


View constraint violation


Referential constraint <%> violated INSERT/UPDATE operation not valid for table <%>


INSERT/UPDATE operation not valid for table <%> UPDATE/DELETE operation not valid for table <%>


The result of a subquery or select into is more than one row


Result of SELECT INTO or EXECUTE INTO statement is a table of more than one row


Data type constraint violation (numeric value out of range)


UNIQUE constraint <%> violated for table <%>


Domain constraint <%> violated for CAST


Deferred referential constraint <%> violated, INSERT/UPDATE operation not valid for table <%>


Deferred referential constraint <%> violated, UPDATE/DELETE operation not valid for table <%>


The referential action for the constraint <%> would cause multiple updates on the table <%>


Host variable type packed decimal is not supported


Reserved numeric operand found during data type conversion


Length error or incorrect value found during data type conversion


Division by zero attempted


Negative overflow occurred during data type conversion


Positive overflow occurred during data type conversion


Loss of significance occurred during data type conversion


Undefined value found during data type conversion


Restricted data type attribute violation


Error in assignment


Undefined value found during data type conversion


Overflow occurred during data type conversion


The null value cannot be assigned to a host variable because no indicator variable is specified


Null not allowed for item descriptor area


Data type not supported


Loss of significance occurred in arithmetic operation


Positive overflow occurred in arithmetic operation


Negative overflow occurred in arithmetic operation


Division by zero attempted


Bad parameter encountered in arithmetic operation


Invalid input for numeric function


A corrupt numeric value was encountered


Binary data truncated


The binary strings are of unequal length


Invalid character value for CAST


String data truncated


Numeric value out of range


Illegal (negative) substring length


Like pattern escape character not followed by underscore or percent character


Length of like pattern escape character is not equal to 1


Data truncated


Invalid hexadecimal string


Invalid regular expression <%>


The search string used in a BEGINS_WORD or MATCH_WORD invocation contains invalid characters. Only characters that can be used in an identifier are allowed. More information can be found in the section on identifiers in the Mimer SQL Reference Manual.


Datetime loss of significance


Datetime positive overflow


Datetime negative overflow


Bad parameter encountered in datetime operation


Datetime illegal operand


Invalid datetime value


Datetime subtype mismatch


Invalid datetime format


Interval loss of significance


Interval positive overflow


Interval negative overflow


Bad parameter encountered in interval operation


Interval illegal operand


Invalid interval value


Interval subtype mismatch


Invalid interval format


Length error for large object


Cannot set attribute value for UDT instance as it is null


Character string contains non-ascii character


Character string contains illegal Unicode character


Bad parameter encountered in Unicode conversion routine


Bad length parameter encountered in Unicode conversion routine


Character string not aligned on proper byte boundary


The used collation cannot be loaded


Coordinate value out of range


Latitude value out of range


Longitude value out of range


Invalid value in fetch first clause, must be larger than zero


Invalid value in fetch offset clause, must be positive


The builtin.uuid character representation is invalid. The expected value is a string in the format HHHHHHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHHHHHHHHHH, where each H is a hexadecimal value specified by using the symbols 0-9 and A-F.


Illegal character found when converting from Unicode to ASCII


Illegal character found when converting from ASCII to Unicode


The argument to the UNICODE_CHAR function is an invalid Unicode value


Character or binary string too long


Invalid value for field of item descriptor area


Invalid datetime or interval code


PRECISION field of SQL descriptor cannot be set on non-numeric data types


Invalid LEVEL value in item descriptor area

Limits Exceeded

These errors arise when internal limits in the Mimer SQL system are exceeded. Some of the limitations are determined by installation-specific parameters, while others are fixed by Mimer SQL. In general, errors of this nature require either re-installation of the system with extended limitations or modification of the application program to reduce the system demands.

Contact your Mimer representative if you have difficulty avoiding errors of this nature.




Dynamic storage area exhausted in host level interface (DYNDE3)


Internal DB dynamic storage area (SQLPOOL) exhausted


Internal storage (SQLPOOL) for like pattern exhausted


Transaction list exhausted


Too many databanks referenced in statement (max 30)


Too many databanks active in transaction


The allocated number of realtime tasks in the server has been exhausted


The maximum number of recursive invocations has been exceeded


Internal limit exceeded: query stack


Internal limit exceeded: scan stack


Internal limit exceeded: generation stack


Internal limit exceeded: table descriptor list


Internal limit exceeded: patch table


Internal limit exceeded: label table


Internal limit exceeded: traversal stack


Internal limit exceeded: sco list


Internal limit exceeded: boolean stack


Internal limit exceeded: semantic stack


Internal limit exceeded: working storage


Internal limit exceeded: statement too complex


Required temporary table row length is <%>, only <%> is possible


Internal limit exceeded: restriction group pool


Internal limit exceeded: scan queue

SQL Statement Errors

These errors arise from syntactic or semantic errors in SQL statements. In general, syntactic errors in ESQL programs are detected by the preprocessor, so errors cannot arise at run-time.

Dynamically submitted SQL statements are however parsed at run-time, and the syntax error codes are returned after attempting PREPARE for a syntactically incorrect source statement.

Semantic errors can arise at run-time from both dynamic and static SQL statements.




Too many errors, error collection terminated


Syntax error, <%> assumed missing


Syntax error, <%> ignored


Syntax error, <%> assumed to mean <%>


Invalid construction


Internal parser error, analysis aborted


Syntax analysis resumed here


Multiple statements not allowed


Character string literal contains non-ascii character, use nchar literal instead (i.e. N'text')


Delimited identifier contains non-ascii character


Delimited identifier contains invalid character


Delimited identifier contains illegal Unicode character


The table <%> does not have a generated primary key


The internal column MIMER_ROWID cannot be altered


Password string contains non-ascii character


Table name too long


String literal too long


Numeric literal too long


Invalid password string


<%> is an invalid hexadecimal literal


Reserved word may not be used as an identifier


Invalid name


Character string literal contains illegal Unicode character


Result of concatenation too long


Table definition does not include any column specification


Table definition includes more than one PRIMARY KEY specification


Only one column allowed in column list


<%> not allowed in EXECUTE mode


It is not possible to set a cardinality for a constraint or index if the cardinality for the table, to which it belongs, is null


User name too long


Cardinality for a constraint or index must be less or equal to the cardinality of the table to which it belongs


Column name too long


Synonym name too long


Correlation name too long


Cursor name too long


Databank name too long


Shadow name too long


Host variable name too long


File name too long


Label name too long


Index name too long


Object name too long


View name too long


Domain name too long


Too many identifier names given


Syntax error in escape clause, expecting comma before PRODUCT or CONFORMANCE specification


Syntax error in escape clause, invalid CONFORMANCE specification


Syntax error in escape clause, invalid YEAR specification


Syntax error in escape clause, invalid PRODUCT specification


Syntax error in escape clause, invalid VENDOR specification


Syntax error in escape clause, expecting VENDOR or YEAR after '--(*'


Syntax error, unexpected token '*)--'


Syntax error in escape clause, terminating '*)--' missing


Syntax error in escape clause


Table <%> not found, table does not exist or no access privilege


Table reference <%> is ambiguous


<%> is not a column of an inserted table, updated table or any table identified in a FROM clause


<%> is neither an object table of an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, nor specified in a FROM clause


Column reference <%> ambiguous


Column <%> not referenced in GROUP BY clause


DISTINCT specified more than once in a subselect


SELECT clause of a subquery specifies more than one column


Column <%> identified in HAVING clause but not included in GROUP BY clause


Operand of set function includes a set function


NEXT VALUE of sequence not allowed in ORDER BY clause


Operand of set function includes a correlated reference specified in an expression


Set function not specified in a SELECT clause or HAVING clause


Invalid data type used, expected type is <%>


Operand not of <%> type


Operands are not comparable


Set function containing DISTINCT may not be specified within an expression


Constant expression not allowed in ORDER BY clause


The length of the trim character expression is not one


Expression must be a column


SELECT clause contains both column expressions and set function expressions


ORDER BY expression contains no valid column reference


ORDER BY clause invalid because it includes a column name that is not part of the result table


ORDER BY clause invalid because it includes an integer which does not identify a column of the result table


The ORDER BY clause is invalid because it includes duplicate column references


Set function argument not bound in HAVING context


Duplicate column reference in FOR UPDATE OF clause


ORDER BY clause must contain only SELECT list items when DISTINCT, GROUP BY or UNION is specified


Set function not allowed in ORDER BY clause


Invalid numeric literal


Update or insert value is null, but the object column <%> cannot contain NULL values


Insert value must be a constant expression or NULL


The number of insert values is not the same as the number of object columns


Insert value not compatible with the column <%>'s <%> data type


Subquery not allowed in ORDER BY clause


Column name <%> does not identify a unique column of the result table


User-defined type <%> not found, does not exist or no usage privilege


Column <%> cannot be updated because it is derived from a set function or expression


The use of NULL in a SELECT clause is only allowed in a UNION


Statement contains too many table references


Domains not allowed in parameter list


The corresponding columns of the operands of a UNION do not have compatible column descriptions


Result table contains a column for which the type cannot be determined


Operands of a <%> do not have the same number of columns


FOR UPDATE clause may not be specified because the result table cannot be modified


Column <%> in the FOR UPDATE clause is not part of the identified table or view


A host variable or parameter marker is not allowed in a view definition


CREATE VIEW statement must include a column list because the SELECT clause contains an expression


CREATE VIEW statement must include a column list because the SELECT clause contains duplicated column name <%>


The number of columns specified for the view is not the same as specified by the SELECT clause


WITH CHECK OPTION cannot be used for the specified view because it cannot be modified


<%> operation not permitted because the view cannot be modified


<%> operation not permitted because the joined table cannot be modified


LOAD operation not permitted, as there is a trigger for insert defined on the table


INSERT statement not permitted because the object column <%> is derived from an expression


The type of the parameter marker cannot be determined


Parameter markers and host variables not allowed in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE environment


Parameter markers may not be specified in SELECT clause


Literal or computed value overflow


Decimal divide operation invalid because the result would have a negative scale


Duplicate column reference in INSERT column list


Duplicate column reference in UPDATE set clauses


Duplicate column name specified in column list


<%> does not have <%> privilege on object <%>


Duplicate column reference in GROUP BY clause


The types of the results of a CASE expression are not type compatible


The type of the CASE expression result cannot be determined


At least one result in a CASE expression must be non-null


Invalid CAST data type specification


Cannot extract <%> field from data type <%>


<%> is an invalid datetime literal


<%> is an invalid interval literal


Invalid interval qualifier


Invalid use of interval qualifier


The recursive WITH-clause <%> may only contain a single UNION-clause


There can only be a single reference to recursive table <%>


Incorrectly placed reference to recursive table <%>, it may not occur in right side of outer join, in a subquery etc.


The number of with-clause columns does not match the underlying query select list


Cycle detected in recursive WITH clause data


Search and/or cycle-clause may only be used in recursive with-clause


Locator types may not be passed to client


ON COMMIT may only be used with temporary tables


Cannot create index <%>, uniqueness cannot be enforced when IGNORE NULL specified


Window function <%> requires ORDER BY in OVER clause


Duplicate window function name <%>


Cyclic window function name <%>


Window function with name <%> not found


Multiple <%> clauses in window function and referenced window <%>


Syntax error in escape clause


Translated native SQL string was truncated


The function <%> is not supported


Unrecognized first word, <%> in escape clause expected 'CALL', 'FN','OJ', 'D', 'T' or 'TS'


Unrecognized scalar function <%>


Invalid data type <%> in function CONVERT


Syntax error, incomplete escape clause


Syntax error, unmatched apostrophe in string literal


Syntax error, unmatched quote in delimited identifier


Unknown first parameter <%> in scalar function <%>


Argument missing in scalar function <%>


Too many arguments in scalar function <%>


Statement was not a query


Statement was not an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT


A databank named <%> already exists (or filename already used)


Table <%> does not exist


<%> does not have <%> privilege


<%> does not have <%> privilege on object <%>


Statement not allowed within transaction


<%> is not a USER or PROGRAM ident


No privilege


<%> does not have any databank available (see CREATE DATABANK)


An ident cannot REVOKE a privilege from itself


An ident cannot GRANT a privilege to itself


Duplicate column specification


Invalid type description


The cascade option would cause a drop of the last column <%> for table <%> in schema <%>


The value for <%> must be less than <%>


The value of <%> must be <%> than or equal to the value of <%>


Qualified column name required


Object <%> does not exist


Circular grant of membership between groups not permitted


Invalid type description, <%> length must be between <%> and <%>


An ident cannot GRANT a privilege to itself


Create <%> option <%> specified more than once


Alter <%> option <%> specified more than once


Databank <%> does not exist


READ ONLY option only available for ALTER DATABANK


Alter table option <%> specified more than once


Default value for NOT NULL column <%> missing


Constraints and unique indexes must be specified WITHOUT CHECK when the database is set to AUTOUPGRADE


It is not allowed to create a shadow when the database is set to AUTOUPGRADE


The database cannot be set to AUTOUPGRADE when there are shadows defined


Operand not of type <%>


Operands not comparable


Invalid option, should be ON or OFF


Literal or computed value overflow


Invalid numeric literal


Invalid identifier, keyword VALUE expected


Name <%> in PRIMARY KEY specification not recognized as a column name of current table definition


<%> must be unqualified


Default value not compatible with domain definition


Host variable construction illegal in this context


<%> is not a column of the specified table(s)


Data pagesize too small for table record length


Default value is outside the range specified by domain definition


Index pagesize too small for table key length


Too many columns specified in <%> statement


Primary key column <%> may not be updated because the table is in a WORK databank


Column <%> is not type compatible with the corresponding column of the referenced table


Number of columns specified in the foreign key is not the same as the number of columns in the primary key of the referenced table


Column <%> is not collation compatible with the corresponding column of the referenced table


Databank option may not be changed to WORK since <%> either contains tables with FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE constraints or sequences


Table <%> includes a FOREIGN KEY or UNIQUE constraint and may therefore not be created in a databank with WORK option


Table <%> is in a databank with WORK option and may therefore not be used as referential constraint


A UNIQUE index or a UNIQUE or FOREIGN KEY constraint cannot be created for table <%> as it is located in a databank with WORK option


Explicit grant membership on PUBLIC is not permitted


PUBLIC cannot be member of another group


The option cannot be changed to READ ONLY since <%> contains a table using a current collation


<%> cannot be shadowed because it is a WORK databank


Shadow named <%> already exists


Ident named <%> already exists


There is no index <%> defined for <%>


Table, view, synonym, index or constraint named <%> already exists


User-defined type or domain <%> not found, does not exist or no usage privilege


Only foreign key constraints can be deferrable


Shadow <%> does not exist


Ident <%> does not exist


Maximum row length exceeded by index or key table


Maximum row length exceeded by base table


It is not possible to add a file to the databank <%> as there is a shadow defined for the databank


EXISTS construction illegal in this context


ALL or ANY construction illegal in this context


Set function construction illegal in this context


Subquery construction illegal in this context


Too many columns given in FOREIGN KEY clause


Name <%> in CHECK clause not recognized as a column name of current table definition


Name <%> in column constraint not recognized as current column name


Constraints for generated keys cannot be dropped explicitly


Default value not compatible with column specification


No such unique constraint in referenced table


It is not possible to add new columns to the table since the <%> has an implicit reference to all columns in <%> statement. There may be further dependencies.


Too many columns given in UNIQUE constraint


UNIQUE constraint equivalent to PRIMARY KEY constraint


UNIQUE constraint equivalent to previously given UNIQUE constraint


The added constraint is equivalent to a previously defined PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint


Name <%> in FOREIGN KEY clause not recognized as a column name of current table definition


Data pagesize not supported


Index pagesize not supported


Compression <%> not supported


An ident or a schema owning any collation cannot be dropped. Drop collation first.


Table contains too many columns


Cannot create unique index


Dependencies exist, RESTRICT specified


Column <%> does not exist


Column <%> cannot be dropped as it is the only column in table


Column <%> cannot be dropped, dependencies exist


Default value for column <%> does not exist


Change of data type is not allowed for a column included in a key or index


The data type for a column cannot be changed to a domain if that domain has any check constraints


The proposed data type change is not supported


Change of data type is not supported for a column used by a view, routine or trigger


Statement does not support backup of <%>


The same file name is given for backup and incremental backup


Database is already OFFLINE


Database is already ONLINE


Cannot RESET LOG, because database is ONLINE


Databank <%> is already OFFLINE


Databank <%> is already ONLINE


Cannot RESET LOG, because databank <%> is ONLINE


Shadow <%> is already OFFLINE


Shadow <%> is already ONLINE


Cannot RESET LOG, because shadow <%> is ONLINE


Shadow <%> is already specified


Cannot set more than one shadow OFFLINE for databank having shadow <%>


Statistics cannot be updated for <%> because it is a view


Filename already used by databank or shadow


Cannot SET DATABASE OFFLINE, because another user is connected


Cannot SET DATABANK <%> OFFLINE, because the databank is in use


INCREMENTAL backups can only be used in conjunction with EXCLUSIVE


The column <%> is not of structured type


A domain or user-defined type named <%> already exists


A schema named <%> already exists


The schema name for the index table must be the same as the schema name for the table


A PRIMARY KEY constraint for this table has already been defined


The added PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint cannot be created as there are duplicates


The added referential constraint is not fulfilled by existing records


The added check constraint criteria is not fulfilled by existing records


One or more specified columns does not exist in table


Referenced table or column not found


FOREIGN KEY not referencing a compatible UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY


Constraint <%> cannot be dropped, dependencies exist


PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE column constraint not valid when records exist


Collation <%> does not exist


A collation named <%> already exists


Invalid collation definition string


Collation <%> cannot be dropped, used by domain or column


A collate clause can only be specified for character types


Expressions with different collating sequences cannot be compared or concatenated


Collation specified in ORDER BY must be the same as used in DISTINCT/UNION


Column of type large object not allowed in PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY or INDEX


Precompiled statement <%> does not exist or no execute privilege


A precompiled statement named <%> already exists


Invalid SQL construction used in CREATE STATEMENT


Column of data type large object not allowed in this context


SQL syntax error, only EXECUTE STATEMENT allowed


Column of data type large object not allowed in a databank having shadow


Precompiled statement is not scrollable


Precompiled statement is scroll only


Not allowed to change table as it is used by a precompiled statement


Statement <%> was compiled with an earlier version


Only the creator of a precompiled statement may alter it


Invalid syntax in statement invocation


The constructor function <%> can only be used in a NEW invocation


A foreign key constraint between <%> and <%> using the same columns and referencing the same key already exists


It is not possible to create a special index on a table that has fixed format


It is not possible to alter table to fixed format since there is a special index defined on the table


It is not possible to add a file to the databank <%> since it is removable


It is not possible to set the databank <%> as removable since it has multiple files


No column result set


The data type list does not match any routine


There is no matching <%> with the specified number of parameters


Invalid type description, <%> precision must be between <%> and <%>


Invalid type description, <%> fraction must be between <%> and <%>


It is not possible to cast data with type <%> to <%>


It is not possible to assign data with type <%> to <%>


It is not possible to compare data with types <%> and <%>


It is not possible to concatenate <%> data and <%> data


It is not possible to use arithmetic operations on data with types <%> and <%>


Support for structured user-defined types is not included in this version


Support for read only databanks is not included in this version


Support for this diagnostic item is not included in this version


CURRENT_COLLATION not allowed for column in unique constraint


CURRENT_COLLATION not allowed for column in primary key


CURRENT_COLLATION not allowed for column in unique index


Collation <%> may not be used as base since it is binary


INSERT columns must be specified when CREATE STATEMENT, i.e. INSERT INTO table (column-list) ...


SELECT * not allowed when CREATE STATEMENT, specify selected columns (at top level)


An ident may not drop himself


CASE expression's return values have different collating sequences


Columns defined as structured user-defined types cannot be used in constraints or indexes


Invalid combination of sequence attributes


The column <%> has invalid type for a PINYIN index, must be NCHAR or NCHAR VARYING


Invalid <%> value specified for column <%>


Unable to determine result type for expression, use syntax: (datetime1 - datetime2)interval qualifier, for example: (date '2018-03-04' - date'1634-01-06')year(3) to month


Invalid <%> value specified


<%> is a reserved word, and cannot be used as the name for a symbol


<%> is a global variable, and cannot be used as the name for a variable or parameter


The class <%> is already present in the handler declaration


The SQLSTATE <%> is already present in the handler declaration


The condition identifier <%> is already present in the handler declaration


The condition identifier <%> is already used in another handler in this scope


A condition identifier for the SQLSTATE <%> has already been defined in this scope


<%> is not a valid SQLSTATE value


The SQLSTATE <%> associated with the condition identifier <%> is already present in the handler declaration


An exception handler for the state (<%>) associated with the condition identifier <%> has already been defined in this scope


An exception handler for the state <%> has already been defined in this scope


An exception handler for the class <%> has already been defined in this scope


The default literal is too large for this data type


The literal value is too large for this data type


The type of the default value is not compatible with the type of the variable


A locator can only be declared for a lob type


Invalid declaration. The maximum precision for this data type is <%>


The scale cannot exceed the precision


A lob type can only be used in PSM if it is declared as a locator


The number of correlation names for <%>, does not match number of result types


The parameter <%> must be declared as IN as it is defined in a function, method or result set procedure


The parameter <%> is declared as IN, and cannot be assigned


The parameter <%> is declared as OUT, and cannot be used in expressions


<%> cannot be assigned a value directly


Result set procedures can only be used in cursor declarations


The formal argument of the routine is IN but the actual argument is OUT


The formal argument of the routine is OUT but the actual argument is IN


Literals or expressions cannot be used for OUT parameters


Return statements are only allowed in result set procedures or functions


Recursive call to <%>, not allowed


<%> statement not allowed in result set procedure


The procedure <%> does not return a result set and cannot be used in a declare cursor for call


RESIGNAL statement only allowed in exception


Incorrect number of items in return statement, <%> expected


Incorrect number of parameters, <%> expected when invoking routine <%>


Invalid type for argument, <%> expected


Too long name <%>


Duplicate declaration <%>


x.y.z names not allowed


There is no matching start label for the ending label <%>


The label or routine <%> is not defined


The label <%> is not defined


Procedure <%> does not exist or no execute privilege


The variable <%> is not defined


The condition identifier <%> is not defined


The cursor <%> is not defined


The use of a domain (<%>) is invalid in this context


Operands are incompatible


The SQL module <%> already exists


There already exists a procedure named <%> having the same parameters


Duplicate parameter <%>


The procedure <%> is declared in an SQL module, and cannot be dropped directly


Failed to read data dictionary


The length of a host variable cannot exceed 32


Host variables cannot be used within a procedure


The data type for the parameter marker cannot be determined


The number of items in the into clause is less than the number of items in the select list


The number of items in the into clause is greater than the number of items in the select list


The number of items in the fetch into clause is less than the number of items in the cursor declaration


The number of items in the fetch into clause is greater than the number of items in the cursor declaration


The cursor <%> is declared as not scrollable, only next is allowed as fetch direction


The value in a fetch absolute or relative must be an integer


The argument to fetch absolute must be larger than 0


A cursor for call is read only and cannot be used in an update or delete where current statement


The cursor is declared as read only and cannot be used in an update or delete where current statement


The table name in the <%> statement is not the same as the name used in the cursor declaration


The column <%> is not specified in the for update list of the cursor declaration


The size for a data type must be larger than zero


It is not allowed to declare exception handlers or condition identifiers for the SQLSTATE successful completion ('00000')


The formal argument of the procedure is declared as INOUT but the actual argument is <%>


A handler declaration cannot contain both an exception class and SQLSTATE values or condition identifiers


The procedure does not return a result set and therefore cannot be used with a scroll cursor


<%> is not a column and is not declared as a variable or parameter


The label <%> has already been declared


The statement requires <%> access


<%> statement is only allowed if the access indication is MODIFIES SQL DATA or READS SQL DATA


<%> statements are only allowed if the access indication is MODIFIES SQL DATA


The access indication for a result set procedure must be READS SQL DATA or CONTAINS SQL


An UNDO exception handler can only be specified in an atomic compound statement


<%> is an invalid argument for the signal statement, only integer values allowed


Only assignment and comparison operations allowed


The column name <%> has already occurred in this row declaration


The field <%> is not defined in the row data type for the variable <%>


The row data types do not have the same number of fields


A row data type variable may not be used as a parameter or result type nor in a DML statement


A parameter specified as RESULT is not allowed in <%>


If a RESULT parameter is specified the return data type for the SQL invoked function must be a structured user-defined type and the same as the data type for the parameter


There can only be one RESULT parameter for an SQL invoked function


The data type for a parameter defined as RESULT must be a structured user-defined type and it must be the same as the data type returned by the SQL invoked function


The function <%> can not be altered since it is used as an ordering function for the structured user-defined type <%>. The function must be deterministic and the return data type must be a predefined data type excluding large objects.


The function <%> can not be altered since it is used as an ordering function for the structured user-defined type <%>. The function must be deterministic and the return data type must be an integer.


The collating sequence for the parameter <%> is different from the collating sequence used in the method specification


The collating sequence for the return data type is different from the collating sequence used in the method specification


The schema names for the dropped method and the user-defined type are not equal


Specifying a value by using the keyword DEFAULT is only allowed in INSERT and UPDATE statements


Specifying a value by using the keyword NULL is only allowed in INSERT and UPDATE statements or in a cast expression


It is not allowed to use the builtin.serialize function on a record that is part of another record


The result of the builtin.deserialize function cannot be assigned to a record that is part of another record


Functionality not supported: <%>


Referencing OLD <%> is not allowed if trigger event is INSERT


Referencing NEW <%> is not allowed if trigger event is DELETE


The compound statement in a triggered action must be atomic


Referencing OLD or NEW ROW may only be used if FOR EACH ROW is specified


A column list can only be specified if trigger event is UPDATE


Duplicate column name in OF list


It is not allowed to modify the <%> table


The trigger time for a view must be INSTEAD OF


The trigger time for a base table cannot be INSTEAD OF


Only the creator of a table can create a trigger for the table


It is not allowed to create triggers for tables, located in databanks with WORK option


Referencing OLD or NEW table is not allowed in FOR EACH ROW triggers


A trigger named <%> already exists


Sequences cannot be created in a databank with WORK option


The OS_USER name already exists for this ident


The OS_USER does not exists for this ident


Add or drop OS_USER is only allowed for idents defined as USER


Drop password is only allowed for idents defined as USER


The view cannot be used in an Experience server since it uses functionality that is specific to an Engine server


The statement <%> is invalid because it could not be upgraded from an earlier version of Mimer SQL


It is not possible to change the name of a parameter when altering a routine


The alter routine statement would cause the loss of grant option for execute on the routine. This is due to the presence of statements that uses a privilege which is held without grant option. The first reference of this type is <%> privilege on <%> <%>.


The data type for a parameter declared as RESULT must be the same as the data type in the returns clause


It is not possible to alter the returns data type to an incompatible data type or to change the number of result items since there are objects using this routine. The first such object is the <%> <%>.


The return data type for the function <%> can not be changed since there is a relative ordering for the user-defined type <%> using this function. The return type must be an integer type.


The alter routine is not allowed. If a return statement is present in the routine body a returns clause must also be given.


The alter operation is invalid since the routine is declared as deterministic but it contains expressions that are not deterministic


A null call clause can not be specified for a procedure


Routine attributes or specific name for a method can only be changed by altering the method specification. A method specification is altered by using the ALTER TYPE statement.


There already exists a function named <%> having the same parameters


Function <%> does not exist or no execute privilege


The result of the expression is not deterministic while the routine is declared as deterministic


All privileges used in a trigger must be held with grant option. This is violated as <%> privilege on the <%> <%> is not held with grant option.


Sequence <%> does not exist, or no privilege


A sequence named <%> already exists


The keyword NULL cannot be used <%>


The operands to an overlaps predicate must be of a row data type with two elements


The two elements in an operand to the overlaps predicate must either be of the same type or otherwise it shall be possible to add the second value to first value


<%> is not allowed in a before trigger


The simple value specification for a get diagnostics statement must be of integer type


<%> is not allowed in a trigger


The increment for a sequence must be non zero


Invalid values for sequence attributes


Schema <%> does not exist or no privilege


The schema name for routines in a module definition must be the same as the schema name for the module


The value for diagnostics size must be positive


The ident name in an authorization clause must be the same as the current user


A constraint named <%> already exists


The function <%> MODIFIES SQL DATA and can thus not be used in a DML statement


A trigger must be located in the same schema as the table


A constraint must have the same schema name as the object to which it belongs


The schema name for a routine is not the same as the schema name for the module


Ident name not allowed as a schema with the same name exists


A non-deterministic expression is not allowed in a check clause


Default values with a reference to a sequence combined with a check clause is not allowed in an alter table statement


References to LOB columns in the NEW table in an instead of trigger is not allowed


The label <%> cannot be used for an iterate statement


The record <%> is not compatible with the <%>


Creation of recursive statements is not supported


No user-defined type or domain named <%> is defined


The attribute name <%> is already specified in this user-defined type or in a supertype


INSTANTIABLE or NOT INSTANTIABLE cannot be specified for a distinct type


FINAL or NOT FINAL cannot be specified for a distinct type


A type cannot be FINAL and NOT INSTANTIABLE


The default value for the attribute is invalid


There already exists a routine with specific name <%>


Parameters for functions and methods may not be specified as IN explicitly


A parameter name for the routine is missing


The type attribute <%> specified multiple times


No specification for the method <%> was found


The parameter type does not match method specification for <%>


The parameter name <%> does not match the name used in method specification


A type name must be specified


A method must be created in the same schema as the type


A type binding can only be specified for methods


A structured type must be declared as FINAL or NOT FINAL


When creating a user-defined type it is not possible to use that type as the data type for an attribute or as a supertype in an under clause


No <%> method specification exists


The method does not have the same return data type as the method specification


SELF is not allowed as parameter or variable name in an instance method


A method named <%> is already defined for this user-defined type


A method specification named <%> with equal parameters is already defined for this user-defined type or for a subtype or supertype


The type for the parameter <%> does not match the method specification


Type user-defined <%> does not exist or no usage privilege


As the type <%> is declared as NOT INSTANTIABLE it cannot be used when defining columns or variables


The method specification <%> does not have a returns clause


The schema name for the type <%> and the method specification are not the same


<%> is a static method and must be invoked with the syntax typename::method


<%> is an instance method and must be invoked with the syntax object.method


There is no method <%> defined for the type, or no execute privilege


The attribute <%> does not exist in the type <%>


The subject routine for <%> cannot be determined, there exists multiple routines with the same name. Provide more specific data types


The method specification for <%> cannot be determined, there exists multiple method specifications with the same number of parameters but none matching the data types for this method definition


The distinct type cannot be created since there exists a function with the name <%> and one parameter having the same type


The object <%> has been created implicitly and cannot be altered or dropped


A constructor method can only be defined for a structured user-defined type


A constructor method must have the same name as the user-defined type


A constructor method must have the same return type as the user-defined type, <%> does not fulfill this requirement


<%> is a constructor method and must be invoked using the new operator


The attribute name is the same as an existing routine


Source as distinct is only valid for distinct types


Multiple source as distinct or distinct as source clauses not allowed


Order full not allowed for state orderings


There is no EQUALS ordering defined for the type <%>, comparison not allowed


Not allowed to create or drop ordering for distinct type


The user-defined type does not have any ordering


There is already an ordering defined for this type


<%> orderings are not supported


A function named EQUALS with the same parameter types already exists


There is no FULL ordering defined for the type <%>, comparison not allowed


Distinct as source is only valid for distinct types


Only method specifications can be dropped with the alter type statement


CASCADE not allowed for alter type or alter routine


Cast to and from structured types not allowed


Not possible to add or drop attributes for a distinct type


Only the creator of a user-defined type may alter it


Not allowed to add or drop attribute to this type as it is used as the data type for a column


The addition of the attribute would cause a circular dependency


<%> is the last attribute for the type and cannot be dropped


The cursor <%> is declared in a for statement and cannot be used explicitly


All items in the select list in a for statement must be named


Duplicate name <%> in select list in for statement


All result items for a result set procedure must have a name when used in a for statement


Duplicate result item name <%> for result set procedure which is not allowed when used in a for statement


Locators can only be compared with = or <>


Locators cannot be used in expressions


The information item <%> has already been specified


<%> is not a constructor function, and cannot be invoked using the new operator


The constructor function for the user-defined type <%> cannot be created since there already exists a function with the same name and parameters


The default value for <%> is not within the range of the data type


The literal value <%> is outside the valid range for the data type of the variable <%>


The schema for the user-defined type does not match the schema for the method


As the type <%> is distinct, a new specification is not allowed


There is no method specification for the type <%>, with the number of parameters used in the create method statement


Invalid type for argument number <%>, expected <%> when invoking routine <%>


Invalid type for argument number <%>, expected <%> in operation <%>


<%> has already been specified


Ident <%> is not authorized to create external routines


The host variable <%> is used in multiple contexts where the data types are incompatible


The host variable <%> will be assigned multiple times


The host variable <%> has inconsistent use of indicator variables


The special column MIMER_ROWID cannot be accessed in a before row trigger


<%> cannot be modified as it is defined as a large object


The definition for the index <%> contains multiple type clauses which is not allowed


The column <%> has an invalid data type. If the index type is <%> only <%> is allowed


The index <%> is defined as unique, which is not allowed for index type <%>


The data type of <%> is not compatible with the data type of <%>


<%> is a field in the old row variable in a trigger and cannot be assigned


It is not allowed to specify size for a locator


The type <%> is not instantiable


No UNDER privilege on type <%>


The type <%> is final and cannot be inherited from


A distinct type cannot have an under clause


The type <%> is distinct and cannot be inherited from


A state or relative ordering cannot be defined for an inherited type


The routine <%> cannot be used as an ordering function. A map ordering function should have one parameter with the same type as the user-defined type for which the ordering is defined and the return type must be a predefined data type. The function must also be deterministic and cannot modify SQL data.


The routine <%> cannot be used as an ordering function. A relative ordering function should have two parameters with the same type as the user-defined type for which the ordering is defined and the return type must be integer. The function must also be deterministic and cannot modify SQL data.


The type <%> must be a subtype of <%> (the type of the left operand) when used in a type predicate or treat expression


The overriding attribute cannot be specified for a method specification defined as static or constructor, it is only allowed for instance method specifications


There is no matching original method specification for <%> in any supertype of <%>


The method <%> is an observer or mutator method in a supertype of <%> and cannot be overridden


The attribute <%> is inherited and cannot be dropped


A realtime aggregation for this statement already exists


The statement <%> can not be used for realtime aggregation since it is not of type select;


The interval value <%> does not match the data type <%>, expected format is <%> with each field in the valid range


You are not authorized to create an external library


There already exists a library with the name <%>


There already exists a library with the name <%> already used by another library


The interval value <%> is invalid. The maximum value for the <%> field in an <%> is <%>.


The interval value <%> is too large with regard to the given precision


The library <%> does not exist or you are not authorized to use it


The value <%> does not match the data type <%>, expected format is <%> with each field in the valid range


Invalid access mode NO SQL specified for the routine <%>. NO SQL is only allowed for external routines.


The file <%> is not defined for the databank <%>


<%> is the last remaining file for the databank <%> and cannot be dropped


There already exists a file named <%> for the databank <%>


It is not allowed to add files for the SYSDB databank


At most 15 files can be specified for a databank


As the databank <%> has multiple files it is not possible to change a file specific option without specifying a file name. Use the ALTER DATABANK ... ALTER FILE ... statement instead.

Program-dependent Errors

These errors arise as a result of incorrect program construction. In general, corrective action requires revision of the program source code.




Invalid sequence of SQL statements


SQL statement invalid because the user is not connected


CONNECT statement invalid because the user is already connected


System already closed down


Cannot perform DISCONNECT in a transaction


Login failure


The option for the databank cannot be changed since a backup of the databank is active


The option for the databank cannot be changed since there are shadows defined on the databank


Operation is not allowed when a transaction is active


Operation is not allowed in an atomic execution context


Transaction already started


Transaction handling required


No transaction started


Cannot perform write operations as transaction status is read-only


Commit or rollback statements are not allowed in an atomic execution context


Select for update is not allowed for a read-only cursor


Mixing DDL and DML statements in a transaction is not allowed


Incremental backup not allowed in BACKUP transaction


Operation not allowed in BACKUP transaction


START BACKUP command required to perform an online backup


Cannot perform ENTER or LEAVE in a transaction


Cannot perform ENTER operation because program level is already active


No program level entered, cannot perform leave operation


Session statements are not allowed in a trigger


START LOAD command required to perform a load operation


The table name specified in the COMMIT/ROLLBACK LOAD statement does not match the table name (<%>) specified in the START LOAD statement


Invalid transaction state, held cursor requires same isolation level


The routine <%> tries to modify SQL data which is not allowed with the current access mode


The routine <%> tries to read SQL data which is not allowed with the current access mode


DESCRIBE statement does not identify a prepared statement


EXECUTE statement does not identify a prepared statement


PREPARE statement identifies a SELECT statement of an opened cursor


The cursor is not in a prepared state


The cursor identified in a FETCH or CLOSE statement is not open


The cursor cannot be used because its statement name does not identify a prepared SELECT statement


The cursor identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not open


UPDATE or DELETE CURRENT statement not allowed for a cursor of a prepared SELECT statement


Cursor is not scrollable


The cursor identified in the UPDATE statement is not positioned on a row


The cursor identified in the DELETE statement is not positioned on a row


Routine signaled SQLSTATE


Routine signaled a condition


Prepared statement not a cursor specification


The statement RESIGNAL was used outside a exception handler


Duplicate transaction identifier


Current user not owner of transaction


Already associated with transaction


The specified transaction identifier could not be found


Invalid distributed transaction state


It is not possible to mix local and distributed transactions


The transaction identifier is in use by other user


The requested operation cannot be performed in a distributed transaction


Cursor has been invalidated by a conflicting system administration statement


Invalid statement identifier


Compilation did not yield an executable program


The cursor identified in an OPEN statement is already open, but not declared as REOPENABLE


Statement position cannot be saved when temporary tables are used in the query


Cursor for result set procedure may not be reopenable


WITH HOLD option is only available for SELECT statements


The external routine <%> was not found


Error when executing external routine <%>
Error code from routine: <%>


The number of parameters does not match the external routine


The data types of the parameters do not match the definition of the external routine


Invalid databank option, valid options are READ ONLY, WORK, TRANSACTION or LOG


The global variable <%> has not been assigned


The global variable <%> which is declared as <%> cannot implicitly be converted to <%>


Cannot open external library <%> in file <%>, <%>


The external routine <%> was not found, <%>


Error when executing external routine <%>, <%>


The version number of external library <%> is not compatible with the database server. Please recompile the library.


Illegal format character for a parameter in external routine <%>


The initiation routine in external library <%> did not call init()


The format character for a parameter does not support the specified database type


Memory allocation for stream failed


It is not possible to add more data to this stream since it has been assigned to a routine parameter


SQLDA contains an invalid data address or indicator variable address


Invalid address of username or password


Invalid address


Illegal statement length given for SQL statement


Input character string too long


Like pattern string too long


Server name, username, password or connection name too long


Illegal byte length of floating point number


Unterminated C string, null byte not found


Username or password too long


Illegal host variable type


Illegal host variable type in like pattern string


Username and password must be fixed length character strings


Illegal indicator variable type


The number of provided host variables does not match the number of parameters


Using clause required for dynamic parameters


Using clause required for result fields


Column cannot be updated because it is not identified in the UPDATE clause of the SELECT statement of the cursor


The table identified in the UPDATE or DELETE statement is not the same as that designated by the cursor


Cannot describe statement without naming information


Cannot use update where current for table <%> since the cursor is read-only


Cannot use delete where current for table <%> since the cursor is read-only


Unexpected statement type encountered in an UPDATE or DELETE statement


Update or delete where current is not allowed for tables located in a databank with WORK option


Database connection is not open


Invalid cursor state


Using clause does not match dynamic parameters


Using clause or Into clause does not match target specifications


Cursor not found


Ambiguous cursor name


Invalid cursor name


Cursor already allocated for statement


Invalid SQL statement name


Invalid SQL descriptor name


Invalid descriptor index


Invalid descriptor count


Invalid condition number


The xa_info string passed to xa_open or xa_close has an improper syntax


Invalid flags argument passed to XA routine


Asynchronous operations are not supported by XA routines


No return statement was encountered when executing a function or method


The statement is not allowed in an atomic execution context


The same column has been updated to different values when executing a trigger


An exception occurred during the execution of the trigger <%>


All possible values for the sequence <%> has been used, no more values can be generated.


There is no current value for the sequence <%> because the next value function has not been invoked


Sequence <%> locked by another user


Update of attributes for the sequence <%> failed


Not possible to allocate multiple sequence values


WITH HOLD cursors cannot be used with result set procedures


A realtime control structure (RTCS) could not be found


The databank containing the sequence is set to WORK mode, new values cannot be generated.


The operation is not allowed as the databank is temporarily set to WORK option


Table % has a UNIQUE constraint and cannot be updated while the databank option is set to WORK


Table % is involved in a FOREIGN KEY constraint and cannot be updated while the databank option is set to WORK


The primary key columns of table % cannot be updated while the databank option is set to WORK


Bind is attempted within an active transaction


The parameter value for the function builtin.uuid_from_text is invalid. The expected value is a string in the format HHHHHHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHH-HHHHHHHHHHHH, where each H is a hexadecimal value specified by using the symbols 0-9 and A-F.


The target area for the result of the method as_text for the distinct type builtin.uuid is too short, minimum length is 36.


When converting to coordinate, location etc. the binary length must match the underlying type


The type for an instance in a treat expression is not among the subtypes of <%>

Databank and Table Errors

These errors are associated with problems of physical access to databanks and tables. Locking errors should not result from transaction conflicts, but generally indicate either locking at the operating system level or malfunction of the internal Mimer SQL routines.

Many of the errors in this class are corrected by action taken at the operating system level. If errors persist in spite of corrective action, contact your Mimer representative.




Table <%> locked by another user


Table <%> locked by another cursor


Table <%> in referential constraint definition locked by another user


Table <%> in referential constraint definition locked by another cursor


Log locked by another user


Backup unit log file locked


Databank <%> is read only, data modifications are not allowed


Sequence <%> is located in a read only databank, new values cannot be generated


Sequence <%> is located in a databank which is offline, new values cannot be generated


The table <%> cannot be recreated since no dictionary information has been saved


The requested operation cannot be executed until previous change operation for <%> has completed


No databank <%> found in dictionary


Record no longer exists


Syntax error in filename for databank <%>


Cannot open databank <%>, file <%> not found


File protection violation for databank <%>, file <%>


Cannot open databank <%>, file <%> locked by other user


Too many databanks open concurrently (direct access I/O limit)


File create error, disk full


File create error (quota exceeded) for databank <%>, file <%>


Device or network connection not ready, databank <%>, file <%>


Cannot open databank <%> in file <%>


Tried to access databank <%> on node which is inaccessible because TRANSDB is OFFLINE


Too many databanks open concurrently


Tried to open a non-Mimer SQL databank


Data no longer available, storage device has been removed


Table control area exhausted


Incompatible version of databank <%>


Databank <%> belongs to another system databank


Tried to open a read-only databank with write access


Old version of the databank <%> cannot be accessed without using the ALTER DATABANK .. RESTORE statement


Cannot set TRANSDB shadow OFFLINE on the same node as the master TRANSDB


Databank <%> disk space exhausted


Databank LOGDB disk space exhausted


Databank TRANSDB disk space exhausted


Databank SQLDB disk space exhausted


Databank <%> locked by another Mimer SQL user


Databank <%> corrupt


Bad parameter


I/O error


Internal databank identifier invalid


Internal table identifier invalid


Shadow <%> in file <%> has illegal sequence number


Corrupt bitmap page


Table root entry not found


Exclusive access to databank required for attempted operation


Load not allowed in databank with TRANS or LOG option


TRANSDB and/or LOGDB not open


Error occurred in transaction commit phase


Internal inconsistency detected


No end of table mark found for tableid


Shadow <%> is already OFFLINE


Shadow <%> is already ONLINE


Result of bitmap page I/O undefined


Result of index page I/O undefined


Result of root page I/O undefined


Result of data page I/O undefined


Corrupt index page


Corrupt root page


Corrupt data page


Write set corrupt


Table <%> has invalid record length


Unable to open databank <%>. SHADOW license required.


Unable to open databank <%>. NETIO license required.


Cleanup control area exhausted


Not properly closed, dbcheck initiated


TRANSDB restart directory corrupt


Error when closing databank file. Please consult Mimer log file.


Blockdata DKBLK1 missing


Error accessing remote TRANSDB, node will not be accessed further


Blocksize not supported


Error when generating internal key


Operation not allowed. Configured number of users exceeded.


Too many Mimer databases started


Unable to retrieve limit on number of allowed users


Lost contact with peer


Record length from update before is invalid


Transaction state table entries exhausted


Transaction state identifier invalid


Invalid function code


Commit set corrupt


Restart set corrupt


Cancel requested


Transaction cache inconsistent


Shadow <%> is inaccessible due to incomplete CREATE SHADOW or SET ONLINE operation


Database upgrade required


Operation not allowed. Licensed number of users exceeded.


Execution interrupted by scheduler


There are pending in-doubt transactions


Unable to load collation information for tableid = <%>


Databank <%> maximum size reached, unable to insert more data


The option for databank <%> is not supported


The allocated real-time control structures have been exhausted.


An attempt was made to bind a pointer to a compressed table


Disk full will be reached for databank <%>, unable to insert more data


The page on which the real-time data value resides is currently updated elsewhere


The page checksum is invalid when reading page


Databank <%> not available, probably removed storage device


Databank LOGDB maximum size reached, unable to handle more data


Databank TRANSDB maximum size reached, unable to handle more data


Databank SQLDB maximum size reached, unable to handle more data


Invalid database pointer type


Invalid database pointer policy


Incompatible database pointer type


The result set partially overlaps a previously bound multirow database pointer


The column set does not match a previously bound multirow database pointer


Incompatible database pointer policy


Cannot lock realtime pages in memory, bufferpool region exhausted


An attempt to delete a non-existing database pointer


An attempt was made to bind a pointer to a variable format table


Bufferpool memory exhausted for blocksize <%>


One of the files for databank <%> does not match the other files in databank file set


Not all files in multi-file databank <%> are open yet


The file number for the multi-file databank <%> is incorrect


The attempted operation for the databank <%> is not supported as the databank consists of several files


Missing a file for databank <%>, please add it with ALTER DATABANK ADD FILENAME


Too many files for databank <%>, please drop extra file with ALTER DATABANK DROP FILENAME


Two files use the same file number <%> for databank <%>


Routine cannot be dropped because it is in use


Routine cannot be used because it is being altered or dropped

Miscellaneous Errors

These errors arise from miscellaneous problems that do not fall into the other classes. If the corrective action is not indicated by the error description, contact your Mimer representative for help.




Blockdata BLKDS2 not included


Cannot log in, error in SYSDB initialization


No privilege to open log file


Databank LOGDB already opened by another Mimer SQL user. Could not be opened exclusively to drop log records.


Unknown language


Language not properly installed


Unable to fetch message text


Restore in wrong sequence attempted


Mismatching version of Embedded SQL and Mimer SQL


Invalid log record found during restore operation


Mismatching version of Mimer SQL and utilities


The transformation of a TRANSDB shadow to master was interrupted before completion. Please login to BSQL to complete the transformation.


Mimer SQL started from SYSDB shadow. Transform SYSDB shadow to master with BSQL, or restart system from master SYSDB.


Alter shadow not allowed in SQL for system databanks. Use utility program instead.


Open with hold is not possible when temporary tables are used for evaluation of the query


Cursor could not be opened with hold as it is not prepared with hold


With hold functionality not supported


The network server version does not support scroll


Bad parameters passed to DBAPI4


Unknown information code = <%> used


Only SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations (excluding where current forms) may be compiled together in a single statement


Distributed transactions not supported by server


Requested DTC function not supported by server


Failed to enlist transaction in distributed transaction


Unable to retrieve transaction manager's whereabouts


Failed to import transaction identifier


Statement already active in other transaction


Cannot initiate a new PSM debugger session, because the number of request threads is insufficient


Execution interrupted by debugger


A more recent version of BSQL is required to redefine system databanks


An older matching version of BSQL is required by the server to redefine system databanks


Update of primary key columns for a table located in a databank, with WORK option is not allowed


Primary key columns may not be updated by Level2 applications


The rowid column may not be updated


Inaccessible shadow found at LOAD operation


The table specified in the preceding START LOAD statement can only be referenced using single value inserts while the LOAD operation is active


WITH HOLD cursors cannot be used in XA transactions


Update or delete where current cannot modify a row that was fetched outside the current transaction


Cannot set databank option because a WITH HOLD cursor is open


Cannot set databank option because XA transaction are used


Cannot set databank option while LOAD operation is active


Cannot START LOAD because databank has temporary WORK option


Cannot use XA transactions when temporary WORK option is used


Connection rejected by server. The server security level requires the client version to be 11.0 or later.


Cannot get exclusive access to external library <%>.


Cannot open external library <%>, because it is locked


Could not set up access to external library <%>. Failed to call the initialization routine xlib_init in file <%>.


Symbol <%> not found in external library <%>, <%>


Operation not allowed. SHADOW license required


Operation not allowed. Mimer SQL license required


Operation not allowed. Mimer SQL Level2 license required


Operation not allowed. Beta test version of Mimer requires BETA license.


Cannot find a valid Mimer SQL license key


Operation not allowed. XA, distributed transaction license required


Operation not allowed, 64 bit license required


Operation not allowed, immediate restart license required


Operation not allowed, in-memory server license required.


Operation not allowed. VAR specific Mimer license required


Authorization failure. Invalid attempt to connect


SYSDB cannot be backed up using CREATE BACKUP without an ONLINE shadow


<%> records dropped from LOGDB


Shadow <%> is OFFLINE


Unable to access databank <%>, because it is OFFLINE


Error <%> occurred when trying to access shadow <%>


Error <%> occurred when trying to access databank <%>


Statistics updated for <%> tables


Databank <%> does not have LOG option


<%> records copied to incremental backup


Unable to CONNECT, because database is OFFLINE


Unable to CONNECT, because database is OFFLINE and one connection already exists


Unable to CONNECT, because SYSDB is OFFLINE


Unable to CONNECT, because SYSDB is OFFLINE and one connection already exists


Unable to access databank <%>, because database is OFFLINE


Could not get exclusive access to the database because one or more connections already exists


Could not connect to database <%>, a system administrator is executing a statement that requires exclusive access to the database


The bind-query contains multiple statements


The bind-query points to several columns


The bind-query points to several rows


The bind-query contains input parameters


The bind-query includes a scroll cursor


The bind-query is not a SELECT statement


Table Information Package mismatch


An attempt was made to bind a pointer to a primary key


An attempt was made to bind a pointer to an indexed data element


The bind-query contains a join or subselect


An update elsewhere is not yet written to stable storage


The user does not have enough privilege to perform flush


Timeout when setting CURRENT COLLATION


No critical section objects available


Database <%> not found in SQLHOSTS file


Database <%> unknown on remote node <%>


Handshake message invalid, incompatible protocol <%>


Only remote databases are allowed, specify database which is not local


The network server version of database <%> is not compatible


Local memory pool in network server exhausted (SQLPOOL)


In the current version only one local (and several remote) databases can be connected at a time


Unknown connection name <%> specified


Already connected to database <%>


Database name <%> invalid, too long or contains invalid characters


Connection name invalid, too long or contains invalid characters


Illegal reentrant call


Use another TCP/IP port number


Too deep address indirection


Cannot get value of thread-local variable


The network server version does not support Level2


MIMER_DATABASE cannot be read


Catalog version from beta test. See Release Notes, how to upgrade.


Erroneous contents in SQLHOSTS


Cannot locate the odbcini file


Error opening SQLHOSTS, filename syntax error


Error opening SQLHOSTS, file not found


Error opening SQLHOSTS, file protection violation


Error opening SQLHOSTS, file locked


Error opening SQLHOSTS, too many opened files


Error opening SQLHOSTS, file create error, disk space exhausted


Error opening SQLHOSTS, other error (-7)


Error opening SQLHOSTS, other error (-8)


Error opening SQLHOSTS, other error (-9)


Error opening SQLHOSTS, illegal access options


Client/server communication must be encrypted, but client does not support this


Invalid network package format


Unknown request code in network package (<%>)


Network package longer than expected


Internal data structures corrupt (DSNEE4)


The UTILITY program does not have client/server support


Client is using a deprecated function in the server (<%>)


Query timeout period expired


Network partner disconnected


Could not connect to database <%>, unknown node '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, unknown protocol '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, unknown interface '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, unknown service '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, chosen protocol not supported on ALPHA/VMS '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, network type not supported '<%>'


Could not connect to database <%>, remote node is unreachable '<%>'


Bad parameter NETID=<%> passed to network package


Invalid parameter RECLEN=<%> passed to network package


Invalid parameter BUFFER=<%> passed to network package


Too many concurrent network connections


Connection refused '<%>'


Unexpected network event '<%>'


The underlying network protocol does not have enough capabilities '<%>'


Network service busy '<%>'


Local or remote system resources are insufficient '<%>'


Connection timed out '<%>'


Insufficient privileges for attempted network operation '<%>'


Unexpected network error '<%>'


Network operation would block (asynch mode)


Could not load network library


Required routines missing from network library


Database <%> not available on node <%>


Mimer logins are currently disabled, try again later


Access denied to Mimer multi-user system


Unable to attach to multi-user system, no response


Operation not allowed. Licensed number of users exceeded


Invalid database path


Machine dependent error-18920


Machine dependent error-18921


Machine dependent error-18922


Machine dependent error-18923


Machine dependent error-18924


Machine dependent error-18925


Machine dependent error-18926


Machine dependent error-18927


Machine dependent error-18928


Machine dependent error-18929

Internal Errors

These errors arise from malfunction in internal Mimer SQL routines. Contact your Mimer representative for help.




Program level list corrupt


No program level found


Statement list corrupt


Output parameter list corrupt


Table list corrupt


Unable to find log file, LOGDB corrupt


Inconsistency detected when trying to update dictionary


Unable to open SYSTEM base tables


Dictionary table SYSTEM.USERS corrupt


Unable to extract correct information from SYSTEM.DATABANKS


Unable to extract correct information from SYSTEM.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS


Dictionary mismatch found for table with TABLE_SYSID = <%>


Sysid record in SYSTEM.OBJECTS not found


Function not supported <%>


Invalid MAE program


Invalid operation code PC=<%>


Pattern not compiled due to invalid MAE instruction sequence


Invalid function code passed to instruction <%>


No databank control block found for <%>


Bad function code passed to DSCDB3


Invalid pointer to naming structure


Severity message program corrupt


Invalid table descriptor


Invalid table descriptor, log status invalid


Base table must be opened before index tables


Table root entry not found


Unable to change position on write set because no mark is set


Invalid length for allocation of program space


Invalid table type


No table control block found


Cannot delete databank file outside transaction


Bad function code passed to DSCRD2


Invalid index descriptor


Error detected when closing table, hash chain corrupt


Invalid internal table type encountered


Write set inconsistency encountered


Invalid internal statement identifier


Invalid internal system identifier


Invalid internal user identifier


The static statement cannot be compiled because it is already identified with some other statement


The statement cannot be prepared because it is already identified with a static statement


Transaction control block chain corrupt


Shadow <%> cannot be transformed because it is OFFLINE


Databank <%> is referenced but not opened


Table has not been opened with sufficient access to allow current operation


Databank <%>, no shadow is found in dictionary with sequence number = <%>


The internal update operation has not been prepared with the old record


Catalog version not compatible with server


Compiled LIKE pattern corrupt


Could not store lookup path, inconsistency detected


Output descriptor overflow


Unable to initialize database system


Unable to generate an internal key


Inconsistent user identifier (not logged in)


Scroll program corrupt


Extended name not supported in static SQL


Invalid error message descriptor


Loss of significance for VARCHAR length


Positive overflow for VARCHAR length


Negative overflow for VARCHAR length


Bad parameter for VARCHAR length


Illegal operand for VARCHAR length


Bad record number


No matching record


Corrupt cancel state


Unrecognized data types for conversion


Invalid read set record


Insufficient internal descriptor area


Internal inconsistency encountered in TCACHE


Invalid internal DDU identifier


Internal inconsistency encountered in table list


Internal inconsistency encountered in DU1


Invalid parameter encountered in MOS


Internal inconsistency encountered in DSETH3


Thread initialization failure


Hash table missing in system control block


Internal inconsistency encountered in DSGSH2


Internal inconsistency encountered in MCOMEM


Runtime assertion failed


Invalid descriptor encountered on server


Invalid statement status encountered on server


PSM debugger resources already allocated


PSM debugger resources already deallocated


Invalid parameter encountered in DDU


Invalid function code passed to routine


Invalid function code 2 passed to routine


Invalid function code 3 passed to routine


Failed to create login response message or validation


The version of a precompiled program is incompatible with server version


Not valid conversion of data types


Not supported data type conversion


Initialization failure for data type conversion


STMs for called statements remaining after disconnect


Release of statements terminated due to error <%>


Nonexistent parameter specified


Specified collation not found


LOB identification not found in directory table


No LOB column in parameter list


LOB start position out of bounds


Client and server disagreed on LOB length


Internal truncation error encountered in Mimer client driver


Failed to load name information package for system id=<%>


Failed to load table information package for table id=<%>


Failed to load domain information package for domain id=<%>


Cannot commit transaction for WITH HOLD


WITH HOLD resource mismatch


Not allowed to use CURRENT_COLLATION


Large objects not supported by current server type


Internal inconsistency detected by SQL optimizer in <%>


Could not insert LOB value due to a LOB identification failure


Internal LOB length inconsistency


Invalid sequence of internal LOB operations


System error: <%>- Area outside MAE data storage


System error: <%>- Attempt to qqwsal() in closed area


System error: <%>- Cost value out of range


System error: <%>- Error converting into Mimer format


System error: <%>- Error from MDRCCI call


System error: <%>- Error when reading databank option


System error: <%>- Expression switch case not recognized


System error: <%>- Factor was left unused


System error: <%>- Failed to get a slave RST


System error: <%>- Generation stack underflow


System error: <%>- Group is not allocated


System error: <%>- Host variable not defined


System error: <%>- Host variable number mismatch


System error: <%>- Illegal Set Func. mode switch case


System error: <%>- Illegal Status switch case <%>


System error: <%>- Index table not found


System error: <%>- Invalid base pointer


System error: <%>- Invalid object type


System error: <%>- Invalid pointer


System error: <%>- Main switch case not recognized


System error: <%>- Multiple offset assignment


System error: <%>- Multiple restriction groups


System error: <%>- No area opened


System error: <%>- Nonexistent member


System error: <%>- No Tbl_desc for SCO


System error: <%>- NOT stack overflow


System error: <%>- NOT stack underflow


System error: <%>- Offset outside MAE data storage


System error: <%>- qqcbix() with illegal operator


System error: <%>- qqcunx() with illegal operator


System error: <%>- Error from MDRCFC call


System error: <%>- qqrlst() with NULL list


System error: <%>- qqwlst() with NULL list


System error: <%>- Query result stack underflow


System error: <%>- Query stack underflow


System error: <%>- Rule matrix index out of range


System error: <%>- Scan kind not implemented


System error: <%>- Scan stack underflow


System error: <%>- Selectivity factor value out of range


System error: <%>- Semantic stack underflow


System error: <%>- Set range violation


System error: <%>- Set size incompatibility


System error: <%>- Stack underflow


System error: <%>- Statement switch case not recognized


System error: <%>- Switch case not recognized


System error: <%>- Too complicated UNION query


System error: <%>- Too many nested subqueries


System error: <%>- Traversal stack underflow


System error: <%>- Unexpected EXPRESSION in HOST variables


System error: <%>- Unexpected expression operand


System error: <%>- Unexpected expression subtype


System error: <%>- Unexpected node class


System error: <%>- Unexpected SELECT ITEM


System error: <%>- Unexpected statement subclass


System error: <%>- Unexpected DD return code <%>


System error: <%>- Unknown Host Variable type


System error: <%>- Unknown statement type


System error: <%>- WS stack overflow


System error: <%>- X stack overflow


System error: <%>- X stack underflow


System error: <%>- Error logging is not enabled


System error: <%>- Source position line or column is negative


System error: <%>- Message insert string too long


System error: <%>- Error logging is already enabled


System error: <%>- MAE constant storage overflow


System error: <%>- Selectivity rule number out of range


System error: <%>- No entry for index id


System error: <%>- qqcfnx() with illegal operator


Unexpected duplicate row found in temporary table


System error: <%>- Scan queue underflow


System error: CPL - PSM depth overflow


System error: <%>- Error from MDRTDC call


Out of memory


Invalid attribute type


Error when trying to store procedure in dictionary


Error when trying to share program


<%> unhandled production


Internal inconsistency detected in PSM


The syntax in the view definition is not allowed when with check option is used


Recursive or cycle temporary table operation failed unexpectedly


Internal error: Invalid stream type


Internal error: Invalid stream handle


Internal error: Stream handle is in use and cannot be dropped


Function not yet implemented

Communication Errors

When an application has received a communication error, the connection will become unusable. The only valid operation on that connection will be DISCONNECT.

Error codes from the communication kernel layer (network routines):




Already listening on service <%>


Error trying to ASSIGN channel for TCP/IP communication


Error when creating socket


Error when binding socket address for service <%>


Error when connecting to database <%>, could not get port number for service <%>


Error when connecting to database <%>, unknown protocol <%>


Error when connecting to database <%>, unknown node <%>


Error when connecting to database <%> on <%> using <%> to service <%>


Illegal channel id specified


Error when reading data from network channel


Error when writing data to network channel


Channel is not open


Channel is not accessible from this process


Error when creating mailbox


Error when declaring network object for service <%>


Unimplemented feature


Error when accepting new channel


Error when doing local listen for database <%> on path <%>


Too many channels used


Multiple read requests on channel


Multiple write requests on channel


Local write when not owning buffer


Cancel request illegal on channel


No available channel id number


Tried to open too many local servers


Database server for database <%> not running


Incompatible buffer versions


Failed to do a LOCAL connection to the server for database <%>


Illegal reentrant request on channel


Network request would block caller


Too large network I/O requested


Could not find DSINI4 in single-user library


Could not find DSHND4 in single-user library


Could not find DSGMD4 in single-user library


Could not find DSUMP4 in single-user library


The channel is closed


The specified network interface is not supported


Could not lock communication buffers in memory


Error trying to ASSIGN channel for DECNET communication


Could not map library for single-user mode


Could not initialize CK package


Error when performing initial communication with database server


Server rejected connection to database <%> on <%> using <%> to service <%>


Server rejected named pipe connection to database <%>


The address family for network protocol was unknown


Error when creating named pipe server objects


Error when setting up TCP server objects


Unexpected communication error


Error when reading/writing data to/from network channel


Error when closing communication with database server


All local communication slots are in use


Database server request failed


Database or network service not started Error when connecting to database <%> on <%> using <%> to service <%>


Database server for database <%> not started


The Mimer network service on <%> for <%> does not currently accept new connections. Try again later.


Local communication has been disabled for database server <%>


Named pipe communication has not been enabled for database server <%>


TCP/IP communication has not been enabled for database server <%>


Library for single-user mode not self-contained


The data source name specified in connection string was not found in system information


Invalid parameters found in connection string, DSN cannot be combined with PROTOCOL, NODE, SERVICE, INTERFACE, or DIRECTORY


PROTOCOL is mandatory when any of NODE, SERVICE, INTERFACE, or DIRECTORY is specified in connection string


When PROTOCOL is specified in connection string also a DATABASE specification is required


DIRECTORY specification is required in connection string for specified PROTOCOL: <%>


NODE (host name) specification in connection string is required for specified PROTOCOL: <%>


When DRIVER is specified in connection string also a DATABASE specification is required


Remote real time connections not supported


The started server does not have real time support


Bad parameter for real time request


Error when allocating resources for real-time tasks


Internal error during flush


Cryptographic protocol failure, session is not safe and is terminated


Failed to allocate memory for cryptographic operation


Cryptographic key is exhausted, the session is terminated


Cryptographic engine is currently unavailable


A malformed network message was received


Command timed out


Error mapping MCS (Mimer Control Storage)


Error when doing system communication through the MCS


MCS communication area is busy. Try again later


Server for database <%> is already started


Illegal directory specified for the SYSDB file


Error in parameter file


Error when starting database server process


Error when looking up database name


Error when creating memory pool in database server


Could not allocate space from SQLPool


Error when initiating the ENQ/DEQ package


Error when attaching a thread to the ENQDEQ area


Error when initiating server I/O package


Error when setting default directory for database server I/O package


Could not start database server thread


Protocol error- received new request before completion of last request


Could not create proper execution environment


Database server not operational


Notification thread failed. Server can no longer respond to mimcontrol.


Illegal directory path


Could not create new directory


Channel closed by administrator


Invalid channel number specified


Error when initiating request (rq) queue


Could not lock the bufferpool in memory


Database server halted. Failed to generate automatic database dumps.


Database server halted. Dump files from the failed database are placed under <%>.


Error when stopping database server process


Error when deleting memory pool in database server


Error getting database server parameters


Must be superuser to perform this function


The environment variable MIMER_HOME must point to the Mimer distribution


An illegal combination of command switches was specified


The database parameter must be specified


Permission denied


Bad network packet length. Channel was dropped.


Failed to load mimschema_database dynamic library


Cannot locate the SYSDB databank file


Error opening SQLHOSTS file


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - file name syntax error


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - file not found


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - file protection violation


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - file is locked


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - too many files are opened


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - file creation error (diskspace exhausted)


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - machine dependent code -7


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - machine dependent code -8


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - other error


Error opening SQLHOSTS file - illegal access option


Could not find a local definition for the specified database name

Error codes used by the server when creating database dumps. These codes are never returned to application programs:




Error when creating dump file


Error when writing dump file

Error codes reflecting problems in the layer that creates and interprets network packets:




Too large network buffer requested on client side

Other file management error codes:




Illegal file name


File not found


File protection violation


File was locked


The file could not be opened since a system resource was exhausted


The disk space is exhausted


The file is not open


Read not allowed on file


Write not allowed on file


Illegal argument


Illegal character


Memory allocation error


Unspecified error

JDBC Errors

These errors arise when the Mimer JDBC Driver fails for some reason. The error codes are in the range -22000 to -22999. When using Java, the error message is always included in the exception that is thrown.

To get the complete and accurate list of error codes, execute the following command:

$ java com.mimer.jdbc.Driver -errors

Mimload Errors

The following error codes are used by the Mimload application.




Unexpected DB error


Load/Unload is not allowed within transaction


Syntax error


Out of memory


Schema not found


Databank not found


Table not found


No results were created for statement


Statement has no parameters


Output parameters are not allowed


Could not open file


Could not read from file


Could not write to file


Could not close file


Syntax error in data descriptor


Could not open log file


Could not write to log file


Could not close log file


Too long field encountered


Statement failed, see next error


Length indicator for BLOB/CLOB data invalid


Invalid escape sequence encountered

Mimer SQL C API Return Codes

The ‘Definition name’ in the below tables are C defines from the provided mimerrors.h header file.

Status Codes


Definition name







No data.

Error Codes

The Mimer API returns error codes in the range -24000 to -24999.


Definition name




An attempt to allocate heap memory failed



A data retrieval function returned the SQL NULL value



Characters were truncated when setting string or binary data



An input string contained illegal characters



A statement that cannot be prepared



Communication feature was not defined with a call to MimerSetComRoutines



Mimer API was unable to release a resource



Value was too large to fit in destination



Value was too small to fit in destination



Floating point value was either Not-A-Number or Infinity



An illegal sequence of API calls was detected



An API call was made referring to a column or parameter that does not exist



Incomplete set of input parameters when executing a statement or opening a cursor



An attempt was made to obtain column or parameter data of the wrong type



An attempt was made to get the value of an input parameter



An attempt was made to set the value of an output parameter



A parameter to an API call was invalid



An attempt was made to call an API routine with an invalid handle



A conversion of a TIMESTAMP from a character string failed



An attempt was made to allocate more threads than allowed



An attempt was made to establish a realtime connection to a non-realtime server



The bind query does not point to a data element



The pointer type and policy are incompatible



The operation does not match the database pointer type



Unsupported authentication method error



Cannot assign the null value to a non-nullable parameter



A conversion of an UUID from a character string failed



Cannot map a shared memory



Error using Thread Local Storage



Invalid parameter



An internal error in the client has occurred

Programming Dependent Errors


Definition name




A realtime control structure (RTCS) could not be found.



Bind is attempted within an active transaction.

Databank And Table Errors


Definition name




The allocated real-time tasks in the server have been exhausted.



The allocated real-time control structures have been exhausted.



An attempt to bind a pointer to a compressed table was made. Use "ALTER TABLE nn SET COMPRESS OFF;" to resolve this.



The page on which the real-time data value resides is currently updated elsewhere.



Invalid database pointer type.



Invalid database pointer policy.



The type (single/multicol/multirow) of the database pointer is not compatible with a previously created database pointer.



The result set (data records) partially overlaps a previously bound multirow database pointer.



The column set does not match a previously bound multirow database pointer.



Could not lock real-time pages in memory. The number of bufferpool pages in the region need to be increased.



An attempt was made to delete a non-existing database pointer.



An attempt to bind a pointer to a variable format table was made.

Miscellaneous Errors


Definition name




The bind query contains multiple statements.



The bind query points to several columns.



The bind query points to several rows.



The bind query contains input parameters.



The bind query includes a scroll cursor.



The bind query is not a select statement.



Table Information Package mismatch.



An attempt to bind a pointer to a primary key was made.



An attempt to bind a pointer to an indexed data element was made.



The bind query contains a join or subquery.



An update elsewhere is not yet written to stable storage.



The user does not have enough privilege to perform flush.



The are no critical section objects available.

Internal Errors



Definition name




A statement is performed in a wrong order, or using a handle from a different thread or process.



Error when allocating resources for real-time tasks.



Internal error during flush.

MimerPy Errors

The following error codes are used by the Mimer Python interface.




Unsupported method


TPC is unsupported


Connection not open


Invalid number of parameters


Invalid number of parameters, key: <%> does not exist in dictionary


Invalid parameter format


Previous execute did not produce a result set


Cursor not open


Illegal scroll mode


Data conversion error


Out of memory


Login failure


The operation requires Mimer API version 11.0.5A or newer. You have <%>.


The operation requires Mimer API version 11.0.5B or newer. You have <%>.