
Mimer SQL is an advanced database management system developed by Mimer Information Technology AB.

Mimer SQL offers a uniquely scalable and portable solution, including multi-core support. The product is available on a wide range of platforms from small embedded and handheld devices running for example Android or Linux, to workgroup and enterprise servers running Linux, Windows, macOS and OpenVMS. This makes Mimer SQL ideally suited for open environments where interoperability, portability and small footprint are important.

The database management language Mimer SQL (Structured Query Language) is compatible in all essential features with the current SQL standard, see the Mimer SQL Reference Manual, Introduction to SQL Standards, for details.

About this Manual

This manual is intended primarily for users who have little or no experience of SQL (database query language). It provides an introduction to the concepts and usage of Mimer SQL, including how to create and how to manipulate the contents of a database.

Most examples in this manual are based on the example database, MIMER_STORE, that is described in The Example Environment.

To access the example database, you can use:

DbVisualizer, available in the Mimer SQL program group.

Mimer BSQL, available in the Mimer SQL program group.

Any ODBC-based SQL tool.

Any JDBC-based SQL tool.

Mimer BSQL is a command line oriented tool for executing SQL statements, wither interactively or in scripts. This manual includes a detailed description of the facilities provided in Mimer BSQL.

Refer to the Mimer SQL Reference Manual, SQL Statements for a complete syntax description of the SQL statements supported in Mimer SQL.

The use of Mimer SQL together with application programming interfaces such as ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC and embedded SQL (ESQL), is described in Mimer SQL Programmer’s Manual.


There are no prerequisites for users of this manual. However, it is to the user's advantage to be familiar with the principles of the relational database model when working with SQL.

Related Mimer SQL Publications

Mimer SQL Reference Manual

Contains a complete description of the syntax and usage of all statements in Mimer SQL and is a necessary complement to this manual.

Mimer SQL Programmer's Manual

Contains a description of how Mimer SQL can be used within the context of application programs, written in conventional programming languages.

Mimer SQL System Management Handbook

Describes system administration functions, including export/import, backup/restore, databank shadowing and the statistics functionality. The information in this manual is used primarily by the system administrator, and is not required by application program developers. The SQL statements which are part of the System Management API are described in the Mimer SQL Reference Manual.

Mimer SQL platform-specific documents

Contain platform-specific information. A set of one or more documents is provided, where required, for each platform on which Mimer SQL is supplied.

Mimer SQL Release Notes

Contain general and platform-specific information relating to the Mimer SQL release for which they are supplied.

Suggestions for Further Reading

We can recommend the many works of C. J. Date. His insight into the potential and limitations of SQL, coupled with his pedagogical talents, makes his books invaluable sources of study material in the field of SQL theory and usage.

In particular, we can mention: A Guide to the SQL Standard (Fourth Edition, 1997). ISBN: 0-201-96426-0. This work contains much constructive criticism and discussion of the SQL standard, including SQL99.

Technical discussions on a wide range of SQL issues can be found in SQL for Smarties (Expanded 2nd edition, 1999, ISBN: 1558605762), by Joe Celko.

SQL Standards

Official documentation of the accepted SQL standards may be found in:

ISO/IEC 9075:2016(E) Information technology - Database languages - SQL. This document contains the standard referred to as SQL-2016.

Acronyms, Terms and Trademarks


International Electrotechnical Commission


International Standards Organization


Structured Query Language


Persistent Stored Modules (i.e. Stored Procedures)

All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.