Spatial Data

The pre-defined schema BUILTIN contains user-defined types and methods used to store and search spatial data in an efficient manner. The functionality allows positions to be indexed and searched quickly.

There are two basic groups of spatial data:

Geographical data, i.e. positions on the surface of the Earth. See Geographical Data.

Coordinate system data, i.e. positions in a two-dimensional plane. See Coordinate System Data.

Geographical Data

The following user-defined types are used to store geographical data:


SQL type




A distinct user-defined type that stores latitude values.



A distinct user-defined type that stores longitude values.



A distinct user-defined type that is used to store a location on Earth. It has a latitude and a longitude component.


The builtin.gis_latitude data type is used to store latitude values. Valid values are between -90° and 90°. Negative values denote south latitudes, and positive values north latitudes.

The following routines belong to the user-defined type:


Routine type



Function (constructor)

Creates an instance of the type, with decimal input.


Instance method

Returns data as a decimal value.


Instance method

Returns data as a double precision value.


Instance method

Returns data as text, DDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading N for north or S for south.


Instance method

Returns data as text, on a format specified by the fmt parameter:
1 = DDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading + for north and - for south
2 = DDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading N for north and S for south
3 = DD°MM'SS.ssss'' format, with a trailing N for north and S for south.


Create a table and insert a few values

create table latitudes (lat builtin.gis_latitude, description varchar(40));


Use builtin.gis_latitude to convert input values.

insert into latitudes values (builtin.gis_latitude(0),'Equator');

insert into latitudes values (builtin.gis_latitude(66.5619),'Arctic Circle');

insert into latitudes values (builtin.gis_latitude(-23.4389),

                              'Tropic of Capricorn');


Add an index to ensure search performance.

create index latx on latitudes (lat);

Read the latitude values, without any conversion

SQL>select * from latitudes;

lat      description

======== ========================================

80000000 Equator

A7AC8A38 Arctic Circle

720781F8 Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Read the latitude values as decimal

Use the as_decimal method to return the data as a decimal value.

SQL>select lat.as_decimal(), description from latitudes;


=========== ========================================

  0.0000000 Equator

 66.5619000 Arctic Circle

-23.4389000 Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Read the latitude values as double precision

Use the as_double method to return the data as a double precision value.

SQL>select lat.as_double(), description from latitudes;


======================== ========================================

 0.0000000000000000E+000 Equator

 6.6561899999999994E+001 Arctic Circle

-2.3438900000000000E+001 Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Return the latitude values as character, default format

Use the as_text method to return the data as DDMMSS.ssss text, with a leading N for north or S for south.

SQL>select lat.as_text(), description from latitudes;


==================== ========================================

N000000.0000         Equator

N663339.9000         Arctic Circle

S232616.9000         Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Return the latitude values as character, N/S format

The as_text method with input value 1 will return data as DDMMSS.ssss text, with N for north and S for south.

SQL>select lat.as_text(1), description from latitudes;


==================== ========================================

N000000.0000         Equator

N663339.9000         Arctic Circle

S232616.9000         Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Return the latitude values as character, +/- format

The as_text method with input value 2 will return the data as DDMMSS.ssss text, with + for north and - for south.

SQL>select lat.as_text(2), description from latitudes;


==================== ========================================

+000000.0000         Equator

+663339.9000         Arctic Circle

-232616.9000         Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

Return the latitude values as character, traditional format

The as_text method with input value 3 will return the data as character, with ° for degrees, ' for minutes and '' for seconds.

SQL>select lat.as_text(3), description from latitudes;


==================== ========================================

00°00'00.0000''N     Equator

66°33'39.9000''N     Arctic Circle

23°26'16.9000''S     Tropic of Capricorn


                 3 rows found

SELECT the latitude values north of latitude N60

Use builtin.gis_latitude for input values.

SQL>select lat.as_decimal(), description

SQL&from latitudes

SQL&where lat > builtin.gis_latitude(60);


=========== ========================================

 66.5619000 Arctic Circle


                 1 row found


The builtin.gis_longitude data type is used to store longitude values. Valid values are between -180° and 180°. Negative values denote west longitudes, and positive values east longitudes.

The following routines belong to the user-defined type:


Routine type



Function (constructor)

Creates an instance of the type, with decimal input.


Instance method

Returns data as a decimal value.


Instance method

Returns data as a double precision value.


Instance method

Returns data as text, DDDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading E for east and W for west.


Instance method

Returns data as text, on a format specified by the fmt parameter:
1 = DDDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading + for east and - for west
2 = DDDMMSS.ssss format, with a leading E for east and W for west
3 = DDD°MM'SS.ssss'' format, with a trailing E for east and W for west.


Create a table and insert a few values

create table longitudes (long builtin.gis_longitude, description varchar(40));


Use builtin.gis_longitude to convert input values.

insert into longitudes values (builtin.gis_longitude(0),'Prime Meridian');

insert into longitudes values (builtin.gis_longitude(-110.0),'Saskatchewan, W');

insert into longitudes values (builtin.gis_longitude(141.0),'South Australia, E');


Add an index to ensure search performance.

create index longx on longitudes (long);

Read the longitude values, without any conversion

SQL>select * from longitudes;

long     description

======== ========================================

80000000 Prime Meridian

3E6F5500 Saskatchewan, W

D40AE480 South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Read the longitude values as decimal

Use the as_decimal method to return the data as decimal.

SQL>select long.as_decimal(), description from longitudes;


============ ========================================

   0.0000000 Prime Meridian

-110.0000000 Saskatchewan, W

 141.0000000 South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Read the longitude values as decimal

Use the as_double method to return the data as double precision.

SQL>select long.as_decimal(), description from longitudes;


============ ========================================

   0.0000000 Prime Meridian

-110.0000000 Saskatchewan, W

 141.0000000 South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Return the longitude values as character, default format

The as_text method with input value 1 will return data as DDDMMSS.ssss text, with a leading E for east and W for west.

SQL>select long.as_text(), description from longitudes;


==================== ========================================

E0000000.0000        Prime Meridian

W1100000.0000        Saskatchewan, W

E1410000.0000        South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Return the longitude values as character, E/W format

Use the as_text method to return the data as DDDMMSS.ssss text, with a leading E for east and W for west.

SQL>select long.as_text(1), description from longitudes;


==================== ========================================

E0000000.0000        Prime Meridian

W1100000.0000        Saskatchewan, W

E1410000.0000        South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Return the longitude values as character, +/- format

The as_text method with input value 2 will return the data as DDDMMSS.ssss text, with a leading + for east and - for west.

SQL>select long.as_text(2), description from longitudes;


==================== ========================================

+0000000.0000        Prime Meridian

-1100000.0000        Saskatchewan, W

+1410000.0000        South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

Return the longitude values as character, traditional format

The as_text method with input value 3 will return the data as DDD°MM'SS.ssss'' text, with a trailing E for east and W for west.

SQL>select long.as_text(3), description from longitudes;


==================== ========================================

000°00'00.0000''E    Prime Meridian

110°00'00.0000''W    Saskatchewan, W

141°00'00.0000''E    South Australia, E


                 3 rows found

SELECT the longitude values between longitude W60 and W30

Use builtin.gis_longitude for input values.

SQL>select long.as_decimal(), description

SQL&from longitudes

SQL&where long between builtin.gis_longitude(-120)

SQL&               and builtin.gis_longitude(-90);


============ ========================================

-110.0000000 Saskatchewan, W


                 1 row found


The distinct user-defined type builtin.gis_location is used to store a location on Earth. It has a latitude component and a longitude component. (See BUILTIN.GIS_LATITUDE and BUILTIN.GIS_LONGITUDE for details.)

The following routines belong to the user-defined type:


Routine type



Function (constructor)

Creates an instance of the type. The lat parameter is for latitude, the long parameter is for longitude.


Instance method

Returns “latitude, longitude” data as DDMMSS.ssss values text, with N/S and E/W notation.


Instance method

Returns “latitude, longitude” data on a format specified by the fmt parameter:
1 = DDMMSS.ssss formats, with + for east and north, and - for west and south
2 = DDMMSS.ssss formats, with leading N for north and S for south, and E for east and W for west
3 = DD°MM'SS.ssss'' formats, with trailing N for north and S for south, and trailing E for east and W for west


Instance method

Used to retrieve the latitude part of the location.


Instance method

Used to retrieve the longitude part of the location.


Instance method

Method that returns whether a location is inside a rectangular area of the map. The ll parameter is for the lower left corner of the rectangle, and the ur parameter is for the upper right corner.

May use indexes when available.


Create a table and insert a few values

create table locations (location builtin.gis_location, place nvarchar(30));


Use builtin.gis_location for input values.

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.752134,-73.974638),'Chrysler Building');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.6892,-74.0445),'Statue of Liberty');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.735681,-73.99043),'Union Square');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.829167,-73.926389),'Yankee Stadium');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.756,-73.987),'Times Square');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.767778,-73.971667),'Central Park Zoo');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.729861,-73.991434),'Astor Place');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.779447,-73.96311),'Metropolitan Museum');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.782975,-73.958992),'Guggenheim Museum');

insert into locations values

  (builtin.gis_location(40.703717,-74.016094),'Battery Park');


Add an index to ensure search performance.

create index locx on locations (location);

Read the inserted data, as it is

Use no conversion, just read raw data.

SQL>select * from locations;

location         place

================ ==============================

938574C831D14FB0 Chrysler Building

93857151CDB2ED40 Statue of Liberty

9385743BF532D198 Union Square

9385767D45C6367C Yankee Stadium

9385749CB7EE7100 Times Square

938574E0D98B7224 Central Park Zoo

93857439F8594B58 Astor Place

938574EC2E0A0838 Metropolitan Museum

938574ECFAA0FE28 Guggenheim Museum

9385740CA864BB18 Battery Park


                10 rows found

Read the inserted data, as text

Use the as_text method to return more readable locations.

SQL>select location.as_text(), place from locations;


======================================== ==============================

N404507.1340,W0735826.6380               Chrysler Building

N404120.2000,W0740238.5000               Statue of Liberty

N404406.6810,W0735924.4300               Union Square

N404944.1670,W0735533.3890               Yankee Stadium

N404521.0000,W0735913.0000               Times Square

N404601.7780,W0735815.6670               Central Park Zoo

N404344.8610,W0735927.4340               Astor Place

N404644.4470,W0735746.1100               Metropolitan Museum

N404655.9750,W0735728.9920               Guggenheim Museum

N404210.7170,W0740057.0940               Battery Park


                10 rows found

Read the inserted data, as decimal

Use the as_decimal methods to return the locations’ latitude and longitude components.

SQL>select location.latitude().as_decimal(),

SQL>       location.longitude().as_decimal(),

SQL>       place

SQL&from locations;


=========== ============ ==============================

 40.7521340  -73.9746380 Chrysler Building

 40.6892000  -74.0445000 Statue of Liberty

 40.7356810  -73.9904300 Union Square

 40.8291670  -73.9263890 Yankee Stadium

 40.7560000  -73.9870000 Times Square

 40.7677780  -73.9716670 Central Park Zoo

 40.7298610  -73.9914340 Astor Place

 40.7794470  -73.9631100 Metropolitan Museum

 40.7829750  -73.9589920 Guggenheim Museum

 40.7037170  -74.0160940 Battery Park


                10 rows found

Find the locations inside an area

Use the inside_rectangle method to find locations. Remember that builtin.gis_location wants decimal input!

SQL>select location.as_text(1), place from locations

SQL&where location.inside_rectangle(builtin.gis_location(40.75,-74.0),

SQL&                                builtin.gis_location(40.80,-73.0));


======================================== ==============================

N404507.1340,W0735826.6380               Chrysler Building

N404521.0000,W0735913.0000               Times Square

N404601.7780,W0735815.6670               Central Park Zoo

N404644.4470,W0735746.1100               Metropolitan Museum

N404655.9750,W0735728.9920               Guggenheim Museum


                 5 rows found


Find the same locations, but order them from south to north.

SQL>select location.as_text(1), place from locations

SQL&where location.inside_rectangle(builtin.gis_location(40.75,-74.0),

SQL&                                builtin.gis_location(40.80,-73.0))

SQL&order by location.latitude;


======================================== ==============================

N404507.1340,W0735826.6380               Chrysler Building

N404521.0000,W0735913.0000               Times Square

N404601.7780,W0735815.6670               Central Park Zoo

N404644.4470,W0735746.1100               Metropolitan Museum

N404655.9750,W0735728.9920               Guggenheim Museum


                 5 rows found

Coordinate System Data

The following user-defined type is used to store coordinate system data:


SQL type




This type has an x and a y component in a flat coordinate system.


The distinct user-defined type builtin.gis_coordinate is used to store points in a two dimensional coordinate system. This type has an x and a y component, both represented by an integer value.

The following routines belong to the user-defined type:


Routine type



Function (constructor)

Creates an instance of the type.


Instance method

Used to retrieve the x unit of the point.


Instance method

Used to retrieve the y unit of the point.


Instance method

Method that returns whether a point is inside a rectangular area of the coordinate system. The ll parameter is for the lower left corner of the rectangle, and the ur parameter is for the upper right corner.

May use indexes when available.


Create a table and insert a few values

create table coordinates (id integer primary key, point builtin.gis_coordinate);


Use builtin.gis_coordinate to insert values.

insert into coordinates values (1, builtin.gis_coordinate(25,15));

insert into coordinates values (2, builtin.gis_coordinate(30,40));

insert into coordinates values (3, builtin.gis_coordinate(-3,33));

insert into coordinates values (4, builtin.gis_coordinate(-40,-55));

insert into coordinates values (5, builtin.gis_coordinate(115,25));

insert into coordinates values (6, builtin.gis_coordinate(5,125));

insert into coordinates values (7, builtin.gis_coordinate(-5,125));

insert into coordinates values (8, builtin.gis_coordinate(0,25));

insert into coordinates values (9, builtin.gis_coordinate(76,-1));

insert into coordinates values (10, builtin.gis_coordinate(100,100));


Add an index to ensure search performance.

create index coordsx on coordinates (point);

Read the inserted data, as it is

Use no conversion, just read raw data.

SQL>select * from coordinates;

         id point

=========== ================

          1 C0000000000001EB

          2 C0000000000009D4

          3 9555555555555D53

          4 3FFFFFFFFFFFF1C2

          5 C000000000001787

          6 C000000000002AB3

          7 9555555555557FE7

          8 C000000000000282


         10 C000000000003C30


                10 rows found

Read the x and y values

Use the x and y methods to return more readable points.

SQL>select id, point.x() as x, point.y() as y from coordinates;

         id           x           y

=========== =========== ===========

          1          25          15

          2          30          40

          3          -3          33

          4         -40         -55

          5         115          25

          6           5         125

          7          -5         125

          8           0          25

          9          76          -1

         10         100         100


                10 rows found

Find the points inside an rectangle

Use the inside_rectangle method to find points inside an rectangle.

SQL>select id, point.x() as x, point.y() as y from coordinates

SQL&where point.inside_rectangle(builtin.gis_coordinate(0,0),

SQL&                             builtin.gis_coordinate(100,100));

         id           x           y

=========== =========== ===========

          1          25          15

          8           0          25

          2          30          40

         10         100         100


                 4 rows found


Find the same points, but order them by the x coordinate.

SQL>select id, point.x() as x, point.y() as y from coordinates

SQL&where point.inside_rectangle(builtin.gis_coordinate(0,0),

SQL&                             builtin.gis_coordinate(100,100))

SQL&order by point.x;

         id           x           y

=========== =========== ===========

          8           0          25

          1          25          15

          2          30          40

         10         100         100


                 4 rows found