Mimer SQL on Windows
Remote Database Popup Menu

By right-clicking on a remote database you gain access to additional commands to control the database server. The following operations are supported:

Command Description
Batch SQL Starts the BSQL utility for the remote database.
Add Opens a dialog to create a new remote database definition.
Remove Removes the remote database definition.
Properties This command displays the current remote database definitions.


The following additional commands are available when the Mimer SQL Mobile product is installed:

Command Description
Start Server Starts the database server on the handheld device. This command is enabled only when the database server is stopped.
Enable login Re-enable logins to the handheld database server again.
Disable login No further logins to the database server on the handheld device are allowed when this command is used.
Stop Server Stops the handheld database server. This command is only enabled when the database server is running.
Export to handheld/emulation The export copies an entire database to your handheld device or emulation environment. You must have defined a database in the emulation environment for this menu item to be enabled. If you have no database defined there, you must first create one by creating a remote database with protocol set to rapi. After defining a new, or configuring an existing definition, the system checks if the database exists when you press the Apply or Ok button. At this point you will be asked to create the database definition on the handheld device.
Import from handheld/emulation The wizards transfers an entire database from your handheld device to the appropriate locations in the file system on your desktop computer. You must have defined a database in the emulation environment for this menu item to be enabled.
Handheld Properties This command displays the current database settings on the handheld device or in the emulation environment.