Mimer SQL on Windows
Mimer SQL on Windows > Mimer Administrator > ODBC Data Sources > System Wide Mimer ODBC Data Sources
System Wide Mimer ODBC Data Sources

A System Wide Mimer ODBC Data Source is an ODBC data source that is associated with a local or remote Mimer SQL database. The data source may be used by any user who logs in on the machine you are using.

You can manage System Wide Mimer ODBC data sources when these have been selected as the type of item to be listed by the Mimer Administrator. The list will display the System Wide Mimer ODBC data sources that have been defined using the Mimer Administrator or the ODBC Administrator.

You define a new System Wide Mimer ODBC Data Source by selecting Add and specifying the parameter settings.

You can alter the set-up for an existing Mimer ODBC Data Source by selecting it in the list before choosing Properties and specifying new parameter settings.

You can remove the definition of a Mimer ODBC Data Source by selecting it in the list and choosing remove to dispose of it.

See Also