Mimer SQL Data Provider
MimerPerformanceCounters Enumeration

Mimer.Data.Client Namespace : MimerPerformanceCounters Enumeration
This enumeration lists all Mimer SQL performance monitor counters.
Public Enum MimerPerformanceCounters 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum MimerPerformanceCounters : System.Enum 
public enum MimerPerformanceCounters = class(System.Enum)
public enum MimerPerformanceCounters extends System.Enum
__value public enum MimerPerformanceCounters : public System.Enum 
AbortsNumber of transactions aborted by the optimistic concurrency protocol per second. User requested transaction aborts are not counted.
BackgroundActiveNumber of background threads currently executing.
BackupProgressCurrentDuring an online backup this shows an estimation of how far the backup has progressed as compared to BackupProgressMax.
BackupProgressMaxDuring an online backup this shows an estimation maximum that the backup must reach before completing. Works in conjunction with BackupProgressCurrent.
CancelsNumber of requests that has been cancelled. A cancel occurs when one applications thread cancels the work performed by another thread within the same process.
ChecksA high proportion of transaction checks in relation to the total number of transactions may indicate ill-designed application programs, with long transactions that are more likely to give rise to transaction conflicts.
CleanupsNumber of cleanup operations performed by the database server. A cleanup is initiated whenever an application does not disconnect properly.
CommitsFrequency of successful read/write transaction commits. This number does not include read-only commits.
CommitSetSizeThe size of the commit set in 16K/32K pages (excluding index pages). The number of pages affect restart times of the database handler.
CommunicationsThis is the number of calls made to the operating system communication routines. This may be larger than the number of requests due to communication protocol algorithms.
CompiledPsmThe current number of compiled PSM (stored procedure) statements. A procedure shared by several applications is only counted once.
CompiledSqlThe current number of compiled SQL statements. A statement shared by several applications is only counted once.
DatabanksNumber of databanks open. Corresponds to the "Databanks" setting for a Local database definition.
DbChecksNumber of databanks that were not properly closed during the previous multiuser system startup.
DbFailuresNumber of corrupt databanks found.
ExtendOperationsNumber of times a databank file has been dynamically extended.
LoginsNumber of logins since database server startup.
LoginsEnabledFlag describing if logins are enabled or not. It is either 0 to indicate the logins are disabled, or 1 to tell that logins are enabled.
MaxSpaceMax number of bytes of SQLPOOL used.
PageFaultsTotal number of page faults reported on the all buffers.
PageFaultsLargeNumber of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations.
PageFaultsMediumNumber of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations.
PageFaultsSmallNumber of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations.
PageRequestsTotal number of page requests made on all buffer sizes.
PageRequestsLargeNumber of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations.
PageRequestsMediumNumber of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations.
PageRequestsSmallAccess operation frequency to pages in the 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) buffer pool.
PagesLargeNumber of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool.
PagesMediumNumber of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool.
PagesSmallNumber of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool.
PagesSwappedTotal number of pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool.
PagesSwappedLargeTotal number of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool.
PagesSwappedMediumTotal number of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool.
PagesSwappedSmallTotal number of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool.
PagesWrittenNumber of disk write operations. This does not include swapout operations.
PendingRestartsThis is an indication of how much information is stored in TRANSDB. Number of restarts is counted for each databank used in a transaction. This figure grows larger when shadows are suspended. If all databanks have been accessed and there are no suspended shadows there should not be any pending restarts.
PsmCompilationsNumber of PSM (Stored Procedure) compilations.
PsmRecompileNumber of PSM compilations that actually called the PSM compiler
ReadonlyCommitsFrequency of successful read-only transactions.
RejectedLoginsThe total number of failed login attempts since the latest database server startup.
RequeCountNumber of requests to the database server that has been interrupted and placed last in queue to allow other reqeusts to execute.
RequestsNumber of times the database server had to wake the application after processing a request.
RequestThreadsActiveNumber of request threads currently executing. Request threads perform actions on behalf of database applications. Corresponds to the "Request threads" setting for a Local database definition. The Performance Monitor uses a request thread to pick up data from the database server.
ReservedSpaceNumber of bytes of dynamic memory allocated by the database server.
SharedPsmThe counter reflects the current number of shared PSM statements (stored procedures). Each time a statement is shared a recompilation of the procedure is avoided.
SharedSqlThe counter reflects the current number of shared SQL statements. Each time a statement is shared a recompilation of the SQL query is avoided.
SpaceAllocCountNumber of allocations in the SQL pool.
SpaceDeallocCountNumber of free operations performed for space in the SQL pool.
SplitTransfersFor very large requests to the database handler a new communication buffer may have to be allocated. This always results in several calls to the communication routines in use for the connection.
SqlCompilationsNumber of SQL compilations.
SqlRecompileNumber of SQL compilations that actually called the SQL compiler.
SsWaitCountNumber of pending background threads requests.
StatementsThe current number of statements handles in use by the database server. Each reference to a shared statements is counted. Also included are any data definition statements.
SystemStatusSystem status flag. 1 = System Down, 2 = Shutdown in progress, 3 = System up, and 4 = System status is set to ERROR.
TablesNumber of tables open. Corresponds to the "Tables" setting for a Local database definition.
TransactionsNumber of transaction control blocks in use by applications and database server background threads. Corresponds to the "Transactions" setting for a Local database definition.
TssOverflowCountNumber of transaction handles written to an overflow table. This may be an indication of long running transactions in the system.
UsedSpaceNumber of bytes of dynamic memory in use by the database server.
UsersOnThisMultiNumber of users logged in on the multi-user system.
WakeUserCountNumber of times the database server had to wake the application after processing a request.
Performance data can be retrieved with MimerConnection.GetPerformanceData.
Inheritance Hierarchy



.NET Framework
Version 2.0 or later

See Also


Mimer.Data.Client Namespace