Member | Description |
Aborts | Number of transactions aborted by the optimistic concurrency protocol per second. User requested transaction aborts are not counted. |
BackgroundActive | Number of background threads currently executing. |
BackupProgressCurrent | During an online backup this shows an estimation of how far the backup has progressed as compared to BackupProgressMax. |
BackupProgressMax | During an online backup this shows an estimation maximum that the backup must reach before completing. Works in conjunction with BackupProgressCurrent. |
Cancels | Number of requests that has been cancelled. A cancel occurs when one applications thread cancels the work performed by another thread within the same process. |
Checks | A high proportion of transaction checks in relation to the total number of transactions may indicate ill-designed application programs, with long transactions that are more likely to give rise to transaction conflicts. |
Cleanups | Number of cleanup operations performed by the database server. A cleanup is initiated whenever an application does not disconnect properly. |
Commits | Frequency of successful read/write transaction commits. This number does not include read-only commits. |
CommitSetSize | The size of the commit set in 16K/32K pages (excluding index pages). The number of pages affect restart times of the database handler. |
Communications | This is the number of calls made to the operating system communication routines. This may be larger than the number of requests due to communication protocol algorithms. |
CompiledPsm | The current number of compiled PSM (stored procedure) statements. A procedure shared by several applications is only counted once. |
CompiledSql | The current number of compiled SQL statements. A statement shared by several applications is only counted once. |
Databanks | Number of databanks open. Corresponds to the "Databanks" setting for a Local database definition. |
DbChecks | Number of databanks that were not properly closed during the previous multiuser system startup. |
DbFailures | Number of corrupt databanks found. |
ExtendOperations | Number of times a databank file has been dynamically extended. |
Logins | Number of logins since database server startup. |
LoginsEnabled | Flag describing if logins are enabled or not. It is either 0 to indicate the logins are disabled, or 1 to tell that logins are enabled. |
MaxSpace | Max number of bytes of SQLPOOL used. |
PageFaults | Total number of page faults reported on the all buffers. |
PageFaultsLarge | Number of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations. |
PageFaultsMedium | Number of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations. |
PageFaultsSmall | Number of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations. |
PageRequests | Total number of page requests made on all buffer sizes. |
PageRequestsLarge | Number of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations. |
PageRequestsMedium | Number of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) page access requests that resulted in disk read operations. |
PageRequestsSmall | Access operation frequency to pages in the 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) buffer pool. |
PagesLarge | Number of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool. |
PagesMedium | Number of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool. |
PagesSmall | Number of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) size pages allocated to the bufferpool. |
PagesSwapped | Total number of pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool. |
PagesSwappedLarge | Total number of 64K (version 10) or 128K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool. |
PagesSwappedMedium | Total number of 16K (version 10) or 32K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool. |
PagesSwappedSmall | Total number of 2K (version 10) or 4K (version 11) pages which were written to disk when they were swapped out of the buffer pool. |
PagesWritten | Number of disk write operations. This does not include swapout operations. |
PendingRestarts | This is an indication of how much information is stored in TRANSDB. Number of restarts is counted for each databank used in a transaction. This figure grows larger when shadows are suspended. If all databanks have been accessed and there are no suspended shadows there should not be any pending restarts. |
PsmCompilations | Number of PSM (Stored Procedure) compilations. |
PsmRecompile | Number of PSM compilations that actually called the PSM compiler |
ReadonlyCommits | Frequency of successful read-only transactions. |
RejectedLogins | The total number of failed login attempts since the latest database server startup. |
RequeCount | Number of requests to the database server that has been interrupted and placed last in queue to allow other reqeusts to execute. |
Requests | Number of times the database server had to wake the application after processing a request. |
RequestThreadsActive | Number of request threads currently executing. Request threads perform actions on behalf of database applications. Corresponds to the "Request threads" setting for a Local database definition. The Performance Monitor uses a request thread to pick up data from the database server. |
ReservedSpace | Number of bytes of dynamic memory allocated by the database server. |
SharedPsm | The counter reflects the current number of shared PSM statements (stored procedures). Each time a statement is shared a recompilation of the procedure is avoided. |
SharedSql | The counter reflects the current number of shared SQL statements. Each time a statement is shared a recompilation of the SQL query is avoided. |
SpaceAllocCount | Number of allocations in the SQL pool. |
SpaceDeallocCount | Number of free operations performed for space in the SQL pool. |
SplitTransfers | For very large requests to the database handler a new communication buffer may have to be allocated. This always results in several calls to the communication routines in use for the connection. |
SqlCompilations | Number of SQL compilations. |
SqlRecompile | Number of SQL compilations that actually called the SQL compiler. |
SsWaitCount | Number of pending background threads requests. |
Statements | The current number of statements handles in use by the database server. Each reference to a shared statements is counted. Also included are any data definition statements. |
SystemStatus | System status flag. 1 = System Down, 2 = Shutdown in progress, 3 = System up, and 4 = System status is set to ERROR. |
Tables | Number of tables open. Corresponds to the "Tables" setting for a Local database definition. |
Transactions | Number of transaction control blocks in use by applications and database server background threads. Corresponds to the "Transactions" setting for a Local database definition. |
TssOverflowCount | Number of transaction handles written to an overflow table. This may be an indication of long running transactions in the system. |
UsedSpace | Number of bytes of dynamic memory in use by the database server. |
UsersOnThisMulti | Number of users logged in on the multi-user system. |
WakeUserCount | Number of times the database server had to wake the application after processing a request. |